Chapter Three

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*I haven't watched Once Upon A Time in a long timt, so I apologize if I get any details wrong and I will just be making up specific things:) Thank you for understanding!*

We flew over multiple towns and oceans in a matter of minutes, and I felt like throwing up. I had only heard of Neverland in the books, it couldn't possibly be real, could it? Peter Pan and all of those characters were not real.
I noticed a huge forest come into view. The shadow swooped down and lowered me as we flew. I screamed before flinching as we headed straight into the forest.
Slowly, I opened my eyes. The forest was so beautiful, but something dark was surrounding it. I could sense that there was something dangerous about it or in it.
The shadow let go of my arms and I screamed, tumbling as I hit the ground. I rolled on the forest dirt for a moment before I sat up, my head hurting from all of the sticks that broke on it. I winced before opening my eyes.
Several boys surrounded me. I startled before examining them closely. Every boy wore clothes made of leaves and other materials, and each boy was clutching a weapon which was aimed at me.
I stood up and they all watched me, looking at me as if I was some sort of rapid animal. I flinched before looking back at the shadow to see if it was still there. It had disappeared, taking my chances of going back home away with it.
I looked back at the group of boys, and we stared at each other in silence.
Finally, one stepped up. He had ratty long blonde hair and a long facial scar on his face. He glared at me, before saying, "Who are you? Why are you here?"
My voice stopped. "I don't know," I croaked out, cowering under his glance. "That shadow brought me here."
The blond boy raised his eyebrow. "Did Pan send you? He never sends for girls." A titter came over the boys, as if they had never seen a girl before.
I felt slightly offended. "Who is Pan? I just want to go back home, please. Could you tell that shadow to take me back?"
The boy chuckled darkly before coming closer towards me and taking a lock of my hair in his hand. "So innocent. No problem, we should be able to toughen you up." I felt my stomach jolt as he caressed the piece of hair before swiftly chopping it off and dropping it onto the floor. I stepped back before feeling my hair, which now had a huge piece missing.
"How dare you touch my hair!" I glared at him. He simply smiled and winked at me, which angered me even more. How dare he think that he could do whatever he wanted with me.
"Well, well. Who is this?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around and my stomach flipped.
A boy with dirty blonde curly hair and green eyes looked at me before the corners of his mouth turned slightly. He was wearing a leather long sleeve with cuffs and a belt. His boots were peeling and his pants seemed to be covered in a reddish liquid. Blood?
A blush covered my cheeks but I averted my eyes. "Who are you?" I asked him, looking at his pants. Please don't be blood.
"I'm Pan. Peter Pan," He smirked at me and his came closer and put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at his gorgeous emerald eyes. "I asked the question first. Who are you, gorgeous?"
I reddened even more at the nickname. Why was this boy so flirty? "Peter Pan isn't real. He's a fairy tale. And my name is Chloe, so please take me back home, stranger."
He raised his eyebrows at this, before reaching into his pocket on the inside of his vest and pulling out a little pouch. I looked at him confusingly, and he pulled out a little handful of gold flakes. A mutter came from the boys, as if they were shocked on what was going on.
He raised a hand above my head and sprinkled the golf stuff on top of me.
Before I could protest, I started to feel myself levitate. I shrieked, trying to touch the ground again, but I couldn't. I was stuck in the air slowly getting higher, and it was useless to try and do anything about it. Finally, I stopped floating and gently hit the ground again. The boy looked at me and smiled. "Do you believe me now, princess?"
I nodded unconvincingly. I mean, I saw a shadow and I had flown. Sure, if this boy was Pan, I believed him. "Can you take me back home now?"
He shook his head, a flash of remorse covering his face for a second. "Sorry, can't. You have to stay here for a while."
I raced my hands up in the air as protest. "I don't want to be here! Please send me back home." As bad as Mom and Paul were, I'd rather them than here.
"It's not that simple, princess. You have to stay here, unfortunately."
I shook my head in disbelief. So I was kidnapped and forced to stay somewhere I didn't want to? Great.
"That's okay, you can train with us. You'll have your own hut since you are a girl, and-"
"Sir?" A kid about thirteen interrupted.
Pan looked back at him with annoyance. "What?" He snapped.
The kid flinched, but continued. "I just wanted to tell you that since we have too many lost boys, we have to expand and take the tent made for Chloe."
Pan rolled his eyes, but continued. "Fine, she'll just stay with me."
I widened my eyes. "Excuse me?"
He looked back at me. "You heard me, you'll stay with me. Any problem?"
I wanted to protest, but I forced myself to stay quiet. "No, nothing."
He grinned, and went on. "Great, so we have to teach you how to fight. I assume that you don't know how to?"
"Okay, so basic survivals and fighting. Pretty simple, at least I hope that you girls are capable of doing that."
I felt offended. Was he saying that I was weak?
"Alright, back to work. You boys, go back to training! We want to be prepared for any attacks." He barked at the boys and they scurried off to do their tasks, all except for one. The blonde boy.
He waved to me and I stared at him as he walked toward me. Pan looked at him as if he was looking at an old friend.
"Chloe, this is Felix. He should be your mentor for the next couple of days. After that, you should be on your own." He barked. We both nodded.
"You two be off to the training center. I have tasks I need to take care of." He pointed at the direction that the lost boys went and Felix followed their trail. I did too, not wanting to be left behind.
Pan headed towards the opposite way, turning towards another path. I looked back at him, watching him disappear into the forest.
Felix looked back at me and gave me a mischievous smile. I smiled back, but not forgetting my chunk of hair.
"You ready to go train?" He asked me as we walked into the camp together.
"As ready as I'll ever be."

Author's note: i don't know about y'all, but pan gives me butterflies frfr🫶🏻🤭

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