The Greatest Loves

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Lunch was great, but now it was time to run over last night's finances and make sure all the staff were coming in tonight. I was just finishing up the calls when in bounds one of the greatest loves of my entire life. I didn't think I would ever love anyone this much.

In runs a tow-headed little girl with curls falling all around her little round face. She runs straight for me, jumping into my arms. "Hey, cherub! Did you have fun at Gram and Grumps' last night?" I squeeze the five-year-old tight in my arms. I missed her this morning.

"Yes! I ate lots of ice cream!" She squeals excitedly.

"Telling on old Grams again huh, Katie Pop." In walks Jensen and Carmen's mom. They are the perfect grandparents to my kids and have helped me out so much, even though neither of us is related to them.

Katie shakes her head. "I love you, Grams!" Her speech is clear since we have talked to her as though she was an adult, never once baby-talking to her.

Linette laughs, rubbing her head. "She had a great night last night. She played outside and had ice cream after dinner. For breakfast, she had a pancake and some fruit. Lunch, we ate chicken nuggets."

"That sounds way better than what Mommy had to eat." I tap her little nose.

I look at Linette with her graying hair pulled back into a low ponytail. "Thank you so much for keeping them. Carmen and I needed last night."

Linette chuckles. "You two are like a couple raising these two kids. It's so funny. I cannot wait for her to have a few of her own, even if we won't know which of the two guys will donate the DNA."

I chuckle. "They both love her so much I doubt they will even care. No matter what, their kid will belong to all three."

"You are right. It's taken us a while to come to grips with their relationship, but so long as Jeremy and Cruise make our baby girl happy, then we are happy," she replies sincerely.

I stand, setting Katie in my chair, and then pull Linette into a hug. "Best parents ever," I tell her.

Linette hugs me back. "Best adopted daughter ever," she replies, and then we pull back.

"Speaking of, where is Darius?" I ask curiously about where my other love is.

"He is helping Cruise organize the bar. Cruise is cutting the limes and lemons while he rearranges them," Linette says, telling me where my oldest son had run off to.

When I found out I was pregnant with Darius nine years ago, Linette and Greg were as supportive as my father. They helped me finish high school while raising a child. I don't know what I would have done without them and Carmen. Then I had Katie while in college.

I was an idiot who fell for the wrong men. My ex-husband was a weak man who left after I got pregnant with Katie. He ran after meeting my aunt and uncles. That and Dad, along with the club run, didn't help matters much. Nobody in my family cared much for Dane. That's okay though. He had little backbone, and I ran over him like a bulldozer.

I didn't need Dane. Darius and Katie are my blessings. Without them, I wouldn't have so much happiness in my life to live for.

"How much longer do you have to work? I can take the kids for a little while longer if I need to," Linette suggests.

"I'm already done, so we can head home. I appreciate you keeping them," I tell her sincerely.

Linette and Greg Meyer don't understand how much I love and appreciate them. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am now. I for sure wouldn't have fared well without their help and Carmen's with raising my children.

Bound In SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora