Chapter 1>Normal day for Hope

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A/N: This take place when Klaus, Elijah, Hayley die. The picture is I'm showing you guys Hope room and..just imagine. Thank you

'Lizzie!' She sound annoyed when speaking to her friend Lizzie Saltzman, Alaric daughter.
'Didn't I tell you that I hate him!? Then why did you bring him!' She puts her leather jacket on, she put the phone call into -not loud speak mode-. Closer to her ears, Lizzie laughed was heard on the call.
'It's not like you don't like him. But we needed him.' Lizzie is rolling on the floor laughing as she stands up and said 'You hate him but we need him. And besides Jed invited him not me. So stop shouting and I'm gonna end the call so touchè' she literally hangs up the phone on Hope.

She goes down, uses her vampire speed to go there location.

"This for you." She looked at her left side and saw Marcel was beside her, and hand her the bag and left.

What the...


"I'm here!" Hope looked at them, with her signiture eye roll. And added by the sound of a car that was behind her. Lizzie and Josie both of them are twins.

"So all complete! Let's go." Jed shouts, he entered aswell as Josie, Lizzie and Hope.

They saw Landon besides Ryan, he is at the window while Ryan is the side seat.

"Let's go to the back." Josie runs to the back of the bus and all of them sat on their places.

After 4 hours, it was in the night all of them goes out of the bus.

"I hate camping." Lizzie spoke but she clearly had a fine sleep.
"Oh yeah. You really are comfortable while sleeping!" Josie teased her as she stop speaking, she runs knowing that Lizzie will run to her and tackle her down.

"Shit shit. Hope Help!!!" Hope didn't bother to help she just goes fixed the tent and sleep.

All of them gathered, they made a bonfire and they are order to sleep first. Because tommorow they would go to the Hivenski to get the most special orchids that where they're located at.

In midnight, Hope suddenly wake up by the sound of grasshoppers. She goes out of the tent normally she wouldn't but something in a place that she wanted to explore.

Should I keep going...I felt a strong presence their. It not bad if I go.

Hope on her thoughts as she glanced at her friends and proceeds to keep going and walk on the path she felted.


"Hello..." Hope spoke as her tone began to low-high, she enters a big broken(abandoned) temple.

Why do I felt like deja vu...It's feels like the old mansion when I was younger.

It's really look like the mikaelson mansion where Hayley are still alive same as her father and uncle.
She looked everywhere, when she saw a letter that it was written on french word but the word was,
"Once the eclipse enter , the cresent moon also appeared. Decades has past, but only a cresent moon can turn back it's own without no one's help. They are wise like a tiger, fight like a lion." And at beside it was the drawing of a alpha wolf but it eyes was...Red.

"As the Selene appears, the sky will be red. Witches, vampires and evil will be beheaded as they challenge the Artemis sentiment. Artemis and Phoebe has both a condition, one would guard the land and one is the sky and the sea."

Hope was shocked, her feet moved on it's own as they goes backwards and her hands started to shake.
But Hope looked at the last one,

Selene as she is the ruler of moons accepted Artemis send to her, the Wolves when Selene asked for Phoebe that what would prophecy would be, she answered 'wolf is the hidden true balance of good and evil, Fight like a lion but think like a tiger, runs like a cheeteh. They will be always the eye of the moon.'. Andrea Elizabeth Labonair born centuries ago, when vampires, witches are made aswell stays hidden for centuries.

TH..this isn't....She wrote this! My mom! She wrote this! How did mom real name is Andrea but, How?!

Hope was bewildered not knowing what would she do. Does she run for more. She was asking to much on her thoughts, she would likely started to hyperventilate. When someone was behind her and spoke

"Who are you?" A young man asked, Hope immediately stands up and looked at front.

"Who are you?" She asked, she wipes her tears

The young man leans against the wall, one hand was on the pocket while the other was behind.

"I asked, first. Who are you? And why are you at the temple of Selene?" He ask, Hope looked at him, the light of moon shows his face. He looks like Klaus.

Hope was shocked and terrified but she let her vampire instinct comes in.

"I am...Hope Mikaelson." The young man was shocked as he goes forward at her with his eyes looking at her not believing it. He started to walk infront of her, while Hope wasn't moving she felt like doesn't needed to fight.

"Andrea..?" Hope looked at him confusely, How does he knows my middle name... Hope thoughts.

"Oh..sorry. I am a terrible brother." The young man muttered underneath his breath.

Hope spoke "Who are you? And how do you know me?"

The young man eyes keep moving up and down, and he side eye Hope and he put his hand back again at his pants pocket.

"No. No one." Hope stopped him from going everywhere when, he uses a spell and spoke "You'll never remember our interactions. You forgot about me, you don't remember me. Now sleep." Hope body collapse and he put his arms to Hope neck and upper legs as he carries her back to the tent.

After that happen, Hope goes to her family house and she said she was sick.

After going back, she called Freya aswell as the others.

"There has something and someone I saw!" Hope explain what she saw. "It was a latent!" Kol jumped in his co conclusion, Hope nodded.

"So what is this connection towards to Elijah, Hayley and Klaus?" Hope answered, "I think we can resurrect them." Rebekah agreed.

As all of them thinks what would happen.


I would love to say> This would be their thoughts.

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