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This is for the 2k views and 100 votes like thank you guys for supporting my book even though I dont know where I'm going with this so I guessing it's good that's why it reached this. LOVE YOU'LL 

Jungkook's POV

I have to be strong for my hyung, my baby, and the love of my life because all of this happened cause I couldn't take care of myself.

I wish things could be done in a different way and my wolf wakes up now instead of 20 then maybe I could take good care of tae and keep him protected all the time


It's been 4 days since tae became unconscious and everyone has been trying to help Jungkook in taking care of him and by everyone I mean Jimin cause he is the only one Kook always to bath taehyung otherwise he does it by himself.

Jungkook has been going through a lot of training lately and their parents sometimes wish they didn't suggest it cause he works extra hard and sometimes they want to stop him from seeing Tae because he feels so angry at himself and ends up crying him self to sleep since he misses him more than anything.

With everyone else things haven't been going well because they fight a lot ever since Yoongi started blaming Jin for the situation and Namjoon is still kind of angry at him but their parents have been trying to manage everything in their pack.

While Mr Min and Mr Jung with their wives were the ones who eneded up going to manage their meetings cause they already postponed it after the attack so they couldn't do it again.

'Okay Namjoon and Yoongi we are leaving' Mr Jung said

'Yes dad we will tell the others and tae when he wakes up'

'mmh, and please stop being angry at each other Joon, jin is your mate you can't stay angry at him for ever no matter how wrong he was'


'No don't dad me Joon and you too yoongi, you guys are supposed to look after each other and be strong for Kook who needs his hyungs after what happened'

'Yes I agree to after what happened to Tae, kook isn't doing great and he blames himself for everything and you guys should be the ones being strong for him and comforting him. if you also pointing fingers at each other don't you'll think that makes things harder for Kook?' Mr Min asked

'I know I was in the wrong for what I did and I deeply apologize for it dad, I wish everyone would forgive me' Jin answered coming down the stairs

'Yeah as if you didn't do it purpose'



'What did I just say about blaming each other'

'B- ............... 'No yoongi, you guys will forgive him for what happened and put it pass yourselves as a bygone for kook and tae understand?'

'Yes Father'

'Why is everyone screaming early in the morning?' kook asked also coming down the stair while rubbing his eyes

'And then they say I wake up late and the most grampie one' 

'With your old ass I wouldn't be talking if I were you bitch'

'You piss off shit be forgetting I'm older than you'

'Yeah with your a 5 year old brain I can't tell sometimes'

'See dad and father, he doesn't need anyone to look after him he is a grown as man and can talk back to his elders so his definitely fine and we don't need to pretend to forgive each other'

'Hyung come on please forgive jin hyung for what happened that day he really regrets it plus it wasn't only his fault, please do it for your favorite daesong please'

'Umm it's not you though'

'Damn if I wasn't going through a lot of pain right now I would have been hurt but I already know it's tae so please do it for him, do you think he would be happy if he woke up and found out that his brother and hyung ain't in good terms?'

'Fuck bitch you had to make a point, didn't you?' ..............'Fine I forgive him but only if he promises to never think his better than everyone just cause his older, no one doesn't know that tae will look out for you no matter what but he had to-

'Yoongi we get it now just say you forgive him we want to leave'

'You know to release anger you have to let it out that's photosynthesis for humans bitches but since I'm not allowed to then fine I forgive you Jin hyung'


Its been 2 months since I last update cause I was kinda busy with some stuff but i promise to upload a few more chapters this week cause I have some free time.

Love you'll some much and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.

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