Chapter 23 -- The Siege Of Kubota

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Shoju and the maid were terribly startled as the Guard walked into the room. Outside, the same strange glittery effect was happening out there in the dimly lit hallway. It was rather pretty to look at, but also seemed to behold as ominous side.

The maid thought quickly as she asked "Sir, what is all of this?!" as the glittery dust seemed repelled from them. Shoju hadn't realized

"I don't know...but it seems harmless though." he said as he then glanced at Shoju.

"Pardon me madam." as he walked past Shoju and checked the windows.

Shoju counted his blessings as he slowly sat down, trying to act feminine. Every time that he breathed in, the glowing particles were inhaled into his body. He raised his hand, watching the shimmering particles touch his skin and absorb inside him. He glanced up at the maid as she seemed stunned.

'I feel...strange...' he pondered as the guard returned to the main bedroom as he glanced at the consort in illusion.

"Good night." he told him as Shoju nodded, stunned that this plan actually worked. With the door closed and locked, the maid seemed to rush over to Shoju.

"What...magic is this!?" she demands.

"Shh!" he hushed, "He might hear!" Shoju said, speaking with a rather feminine voice. Shoju was stunned as he sat there, coughing a few times, and tried to speak, but it was feminine once more.

His eyes glanced down at a pair of breasts that filled out the night dress. "What happened to me!?" he cried out as the maid hushed him.

"Shh, or the guard will hear!"

"But...I am a girl!" he cried out as the maid was equally lost for words. The stress made him breathe in more glowing particles as the maid was perplexed.

"Maybe it was the dress..." the maid pondered as she helped Shoju out of the night dress. Even with the clothing no longer on his body, he was still in the form of a female.

He dressed in his old servant clothing, and as if the clothes determine the gender, he turned back into a young man. He was speechless along with the maid. She held the consort's clothing in her arms as she looked at him in disbelief.

"What are you?" she asked him.

"Please do not look at me like that!" he told her as he checked the window, seeing that the way down would break a leg or two. "I do not know what is going on. I am as scared and as confused as you!"

"Put Jingu-san's clothing back on!" she told him "If the guard hears a male voice, he'll grow suspicious."

Shoju could see the logic in her concern as he took Jingu's clothing once more and dressed himself in her nightwear. Just like last time, he turned into a female version of himself. However, this time, his fingernails began to grow longer and black strands of fur sprouted on his feet and hands.

"Ahh!" he cried out, looking at his rapidly mutating body "What is happening to me!?"

The maid watched as white smoke lifted from Shoju's head as his long black hair was accompanied by a pair of black foxlike ears. She begged for her life as Shoju begged for answers. All the noise that they made had caught the attention of the guard as he unlocked the door and came into the room.

"What is going on in here!?" he demanded as once his eyes glanced over at Shoju, he gripped his sword and marched over to the mutating child. Yet, as Shoju focused on protecting himself from harm, he touched the guard's unclothed hand and the soldier immediately stopped, looking like he was stunned.

Shoju glanced at the stunned soldier, confused. The man just stood there, seeming to be in a daze.

"Stop looking at me like that, leave us alone!" he demanded as the soldier turned and exited the room as if on command.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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