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First POV
After death I looked up to see myself in heaven staring at the pearly gates I was let in because during my life I was Christian . An angel walked up to me and said "Tay you weren't done living yet your going to be reborn". He lead me inside , the gates opened I was taken to a room where on the left it said past on the right if said future. Not understanding what they meant I went to the left side which said past. The angel of forgetfulness tapped children on their head to forget their past life. But I'm guessing she didn't see me or I wasn't there when she was making us forget. But she skipped me I was told I was going to be reborn in Egypt in the BC era. They didn't tell me to whom or what Staus I would be. All I knew was I was going to finally be Egyptian and live in the ancient society like I always wished. After that it was kinda like a blur it felt like moments but in reality it was months I didn't know who's belly I was in or what gender I was. When I was finally born I immediately saw a child a boy to be exact staring at me with great joy. I heard him say "I finally have a male heir for when I become king". I was handed to a girl she stared with Joy she looked at the boy and said "Tut he dosent have any deformities and he's your spitting image". I looked back at the boy it was king tut I was excited I was reborn as the only son of the great king tut. The boy stared at me with great joy the first thing I noticed about King Tut is that he's a light brown color like a light skinned and he's not the defromed he only has rabbit teeth. He's not as defromed as people from my time believe he is he looks like a normal real boy. He just stared at me it was obvious I wasn't born in a correct royal way they were holding me behind some statue of  Tut's father. It was also obvious my mother is a peasant she was wearing non royal dirty clothes. I heard my father say "im going to love him more than anything, my family cannot find out about him". My mother said "of course they can't im a slave your a prince in line for king and your 8 and im 11". I looked at Tut and I though to myself how in the world did this 8 year old boy have a baby. But I wasn't complaining I was a Egyptian royal son of the most famous king for my time. I began to cry after Tut dipped me into water he immediately brought me back up he rocked me from side to side. Trying to put me to sleep so the priest could give me my circumcison in secret it's a right of passage for the Egyptians. I cried for a while but I soon found myself asleep in Tut's arms. I heard them say what they named me as I fell asleep Tut's name is Tutankhaten named after his father kinda but he named me Tutankhamen I so when he changes his name one day he won't change mine. After hearing that I finally did truly fall asleep

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