The Dreaded Rules

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Yn woke up in the morning and sat up. Remembering last night yn blushed and hid his face in his hands. Eventually he smelt coffee and got out the bed, then started to straighten it out. Yn noticed a stuffed animal that he didnt remember, but soon realized it was what was tucked into his arms just before he fell asleep. He grabbed it after he was done fixing the sheets and walked to the kitchen, which he thankfully knew where it was because he saw it as they walked in last night.

"Your finally awake, I thought you'd sleep till noon!" Addy said, pouring him a cup and placing it on the island in the middle of the kitchen. Yn noticed Amelia and sat next to her, taking a sip from the mug. "I see you found Mr. Rabbit?" Amelia said smiling. Yn blushed and placed it onto the island. "I'm sorry.. I take it you know I'm little?" He asked, looking down.

"Yeah, we could tell from day one." Addison said. Yn looked up in suprise but Addison continued. "We're doms actually, we've been looking for a little for a while now, and when Amelia and I saw you we both knew we had to get to know you more." Yn blushed and hid his face in his hands again.

"Would you..?" Amelia asked.

"What?" Yn said, lifting his face up.

"Would you be our little? Or at least give it a chance." Amelia said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"If..if you'd both have me, I'd love to." Yn smiled, a few more tears starting to spill from his eyes.

"Well that's great, Amelia and I called off work today to get to know you better." Addison said turning around and placing two plates in front of them. "Thanks Addy." They both said, then laughed. Yn took his cell out of his pocket and called in sick before stuffing it back in his pocket and starting to chow down. After about two minutes they were both done and yn grabbed the plates and walked over the the sink to start washing them.

"Yn you don't have to do that, your a guest here." Amelia said, standing up and following him.

"Ah, it's fine, just a couple of dishes." Yn replied, scrubbing away.

"So, I was thinking we could go to a park or something and spend the evening there." Addison said, putting away the clean dishes.

"Sure!" Yn replied, then looked at Amelia. "Sound okay to you too?"

"Yeah, of course!" Amelia said happily.

"I should get going back to my place to get cleaned up, then I'll come back, sound good?" Yn asked.

"Yeah, be back soon!" Addison said. Yn walked to the guest room and grabbed his dirty clothes, then grabbed his keys. As he walked to the door with his stuff, Amelia turned to him from her seat at the island. "Hey, don't forget Mr. Rabbit!"

Yn looked confused, so Addison said, "Oh yeah, we bought that for when we finally got a little, it's yours." Yn smiled and grabbed the rabbit, then walked out of the door and to his car. He drove home in silence and once there he took a quick shower and got dressed.

As he got in his car, getting ready to dive back to Amelia and Addison's house, he sat back thinking about the previous days events. "I barely know them, but they really seem to care about me.." he thought, starting to cry again. "Ugh, don't cry yn." He thought and grabbed the paci that he kept in his center console and popping it into his mouth. He buckled the seat belt and started driving to their house.

Once yn finally reached their house he walked up to the door and quickly took out his paci, shoving it into his pocket before knocking. Addison opened the door wearing jeans and a white t-shirt. "Hey, we just finished getting ready to go, we were waiting on you." Yn smiled and Amelia walked up behind Addy. "Ready to go?" She asked. "Yup!" Yn replied and walked down the driveway with the two women and got into their car.

Yn sat behind the passenger seat, and he was just about to buckle himself when Amelia opened his door and grabbed the seat belt. Without saying a word Amelia buckled him in and patted his head as she shut his car door. Yn sat there in shock and a little embarrassment for a minute then shook it off and smiled to himself. After about a ten minute drive, they had reached a park and everyone got out of the car and walked to a nice shady spot in the grass.

"Alright, Yn. We've got to make up some rules so you can be safe when your little. I want you to know that if you don't feel comfortable with these let us know, alright?" Addy said, sitting on his left and Amelia sat on his right.

1. No smoking
2. No drinking
3. No self harm
4. Eat at least 2 meals a day
5. Communicate with us
6. No candy before bed
7. Bedtime on off work days is 10:30 P.M.
8. More rules will be added as needed.

Punishments may include:
1. Timeouts
2. Spankings
3. No TV
4. Early bedtime
5. No candy

Yn listened carefully as Addy reas off the rules from a list on her phone. "Are there any you aren't okay with?" Addy said.

"Yeah, maybe one.." yn mumbled, trying not to cause an issue.

"Which one?" Amelia asked, putting her arm around him.

"I'm not comfortable with spankings. I had an old dom who used to.." yn stopped, hiding his face.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry, of course we can get rid of that rule. It's alright, don't cry." Adduson said. Both women gave yn a hug and yn smiled, wiping his eyes.

"It's alright truly, thank you." Yn said.

Theu talked at the park for a couple more hours, before it was lunch time and they left to eat. As they were sitting in the parking lot, they tried to decide where to go to eat.

"Yn where do you want to go for lunch?" Amelia said.

"I'm alright with anything really, I'm not picky." Yn said twidling his thumbs.

"I could go for Chinese.." Amelia said. Addy patted her thigh and said, "Chinese it is!" They drove to the nearest En Lai Sit-in and grabbed a table near a window. Yn sat on one side and the two women sat on the other side.

"Can I sit next to Amelia please?" Yn asked shyly.

"Sure! You don't mind right Addy?" Amelia said, moving over to yn's side.

"Not at all!" Addy replied, though in her mind she was a bit jealous of Amelia. The rest of lunch went well, and when the check came yn grabbed it and started to pull out his wallet.

"Uh-uh, were not doing this again, give it to me baby." Yn blushed and handed it over. Addy smirked and Amelia wrapped her arm around yn. "Get used to it, she does that alot. Don't worry though, she's all bark no bite." Amelia said shaking him lightly.

"Say that to your neck." Addison said jeeringly. Amelia then also hid her face in her hands.

"Cmon you two, let's go home." Addison said as she stuffed a fifty into the billfolder. They walked out to the car and drove home, and while Addy was driving yn was struggling to stay awake.

Once they reached home Yn shuffled up to the door and followed Amelia and Addison inside. Yn went to sit on the couch but Amelia grabbed his arm and tugged him into the guest room. "Don't think I didn't see you yawning in the car. I think it's nap time." She said and made him lay on the bed. She then left the room and shut it behind her. Yn layed there awake for a whole then realized that he still had his paci in his pocket. Yn pulled it out and placed it in his mouth, sucking on it contently before falling asleep.

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