Your Our Little Now And Forever

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Yn woke up the next morning excited to go back to work. He drove there quickly and parked, then walked straight to the cardio wing. "Hey, Dr. Pierce, do you have any surgeries I could assist with today?" Yn asked, approaching Maggie.
"Actually I do, there's a guy with cardio myopathy that we're operating on in two hours." She said, smiling at yn. "Awesome, so I'll see you in there?" He asked. "Yes, I'll page you!" Maggie said. After talking to Dr. Pierce, Yn headed to the Neuro wing.

"Hey Amelia, do you and Addison want to go to dinner again? I'll drive this time." Yn asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll text you our adress, pick us up at 5." Amelia said and smiled. Yn nodded his head in agreement and walked back to the Cardio wing.

Maggie and Yn's surgery went well, and the rest of the day passed by quickly because of the other four surgeries that yn had scheduled. He rushed home and got dressed quickly, throwing on the same light blue shirt but with khakis.

He hopped in his car and sped to Amelia and Addison's house, making it there by 4:50 P.M..

Addison and Amelia walked out to the car and sat in the backseat together, chatting with yn as he drove to the restraunt. "Where are we going?" Addison asked. "You'll see." Yn replied with a grin. Amelia and Addiosn shared a look but just laughed and went with it.

Once they had finally arrived, Yn opened the car doors for them and held the door open as they walked inside the resteraunt. "Woww, this place is fancy!" Amelia said as she hung onto Addy's arm. Yn walked up to the hostess and soon they were seated in a booth ordering their drinks. Addison and Amelia sat together, and yn sat on the other side.

"So Amelia, what's your family like?" Yn asked, taking a sip from his drink.

"Well.. let's just say it's not exactly perfect.." Amelia said. Yn reached across the booth and took her hand. "It's alright, I understand, I'm just trying to get to know you better, sorry."

"Ita alright, I get it. How's yours?" Amelia said and smiled.

"Not much better then yours, what about you Addison?"

"Please, call me Addy, and it's no walk in the park either."

They laughed a little before their food came. Yn got the sirloin steak, Amelia got the Lobster, and Addison got the Steak as well. Yn sat there for about five minutes trying to cut his steak, but kept failing. Amelia noticed this and set down her silverware, then took his plate. "Here, I've got you." She said as she cut it up into small pieces.

"Thank you so much Amelia." Yn said and smiled. Addy looked up and smiled at the both of them getting along so well. They ate dinner with light conversation and once the check came Yn snatched the check off the table before either woman could get it.

"Ah-ah, not again. Give me the bill please." Addison said and held her hand out.
"Oh its no problem, I can afford it." Yn said and put his card in again quickly before handing it to the waitress.

Addison and Amelia both gave yn the mom look and he looked down embarrassedly. Soon the waitress came back with his card and they all walked out to the parking lot.

As yn was driving them home, he yawned. Addy thought nothing of it at first, but after the sixth yawn in ten minutes she spoke up. "Yn you should spend the night at our place, I don't feel comfortable letting you drive home alone when your this tired."

Amelia nodded her head in agreement, but yn declined. "Im alright, I dont want to be a bother, plus I dont have any clothes. I'll be fine, I'm not even that *yawn* tired."

"I'm sure we could find some old clothes, and your definitely not a burden." Amelia chimed in.

"I'm fine, really." Yn said again as he pulled into their driveway.

"Yn. I'm not letting you drive home when your this tired." Addison said. Yn sighed and finally agreed. As they walked up the driveway, yn's foot hit a crack and he tripped. "Shit!" Yn groaned. Addison and Amelia looked behind then and rushed to his side. "You alright? Did you trip? I'm sorry we should've warned you about that stupid crack." Amelia said. Yn stood up and brushed himself off. "Ah, I'm fine, don't worry about it." He said. They walked up to the front door and stepped inside. Addison then went to find clothes for him and Amelia showed him to the guest room.

"Woah, your bleeding through your khakis, we definitely need to bandage that." Amelia said, grabbing his arm and rushing him to the bathroom. She grabbed the first aid kit and put on a pair of gloves and lifted his pant leg up to take a look. "Wow that's bad, this might sting a little." Amelia said as she poured hydrogen peroxide on it. Yn didn't flinch and waited patiently until she was done, then got up and waited as Amelia fetched the clothes from Addison. She came back and placed them on the bed before walking out.

Yn changed into the clothes quickly. It was a black t-shirt and a pair of greyish-blue shorts. He layed down underneath the covers and closed his eyes, starting to drift off. All of a sudden the light turned on. Yn opened his eyes and looked at the door, in which was Addy and Amelia. They both walked to the guest bed and sat on either side of yn. He was confused at first but quickly realized they had figured out he was little. The shock ran through his body and he tried to hold back tears.

"How could they know? Oh no what if they don't want to be friends with me anymore?" Yn thought as silent tears streamed down his face. It was mortifying, he didn't want them to see him cry after they'd invited him the their house. Thankfully they didn't notice and Addy started to speak.

"Once upon a time there was.."

Yn realized they were reading him a bedtime story. He was a little bit embarrassed at first, but he was so tired he stopped crying and closed his eyes again, falling asleep quickly. Just after yn closed his eyes, he felt something being tucked into his arms, but he didn't think much of it and fell asleep.

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