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In an enchanted world of fairies and magical creatures, there was a fairy who went to earth to check the growth of the plants. That fairy's name is Ziara. She has beautiful light blue eyes that shine in the sunlight, and she has long blue hair. Her wings are so delicate, and they have a greenish-silver shine. Unlike other fairy tales, these fairies are not short; they are as tall as normal humans. But they can shrink if they want. Ziara was using her magical power to cure a dying plant. Suddenly, she saw a charming young man coming towards her.

She was afraid that this man would hurt her, so she shrank and turned into a little fairy. She flew and hid behind the rosebushes, which were near the apple tree. The young man, who has blond hair and emerald green eyes, came closer to the apple tree. The fairy who was hiding behind the roses stealthily observed what he was doing. He picked an apple and started to eat it.

Then a voice came: "Adrien, where are you?"

The young man replied, "I'm over here,Litnik."

After a few minutes, another young man who has black hair and hazel eyes came near him and said, "I received a letter from Mr. Claud, mayor of Apricocity, stating that there was a theft in the Royal Museum."

Adrien interrupted and asked, "What was stolen there?"

Litnik answered, "It is mentioned as some ancient book, and he also wants to hand over the case to me."

Adrien said, "Huh, a book; is there anything else that went missing?"

Litnik replied, "Nope, it's clearly mentioned that only this book was gone and everything else was in the same position."

Adrien said, "Hmm, it's quite strange."

Litnik said, "I agree. Anyway, I should start my journey now so that I will reach there by tonight. I will send a message if I need any help."

Adrien replied, "Okay, and good luck on your case, detective."

They said good-bye, and Litnik left the place.

The fairy, who was listening to all this, said to herself, "I think it's time for me to go home."

She carefully flew to the other side of the apple tree, where she could see Adrien's back. There, she again transformed into her normal self (i.e., tall). When she reached out to touch her pendant, she discovered it had vanished, shocking her to the core. The pendant only has the power to go to Fairyland; without that, she can't go home.

She began looking for it among the bushes and flowers. While searching, she stepped on a twig, and Adrien heard the sound. He yelled, "Who is there? Come out right now."

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