Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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If I may I would like to pose an interesting question. "What is your purpose in life?"

According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."

Or according to Fyodor Dostoyevsky, "The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."

Everyone has a different answer and rightfully so, as no two people are the same. However, this last quote struck a chord in me. Specifically, the part about finding something to live for.  My whole life I've merely been a hollow shell, a sponge constantly soaking up information. However, finally, I believe I can answer this philosophical question. My purpose in life my goal in life is to learn as much as possible, specifically about humans.

To me the human creature is fascinating.  How can each one of us be different but so similar at the same time? It intrigues me.

I've come to especially enjoy the topic of psychology. Getting inside people's heads and learning what makes them tick. While in the Whiteroom, I loved experimenting with the different students. Through their unwilling sacrifice, I learned many things, like how humans respond to trauma or even how to get someone to trust you.

It was all extremely informative.

Unfortunately, as a result, I quickly ran out of students to learn from and ended up being the only one left in my generation.

I thought that would be the end of it, but as it would seem, luck was on my side leading to the temporary shutdown of the white room providing me with the chance to escape.

This brings me to my current situation of riding on this bus to my new school. From what I've been told Whiteroom students differ from normal students, so I look forward to seeing the similarities and differences between them. I can't help but have high hopes for this fresh start.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?"

The voice of a girl rang interrupting my thoughts.

Looking to what caused the commotion I found a girl wearing the same uniform as me and an old lady standing by a young man in a priority seat. 

She seems to want the young man to offer up his seat. 

"That's a really crazy question, lady. You're asking me to give up my seat because it's a priority seat correct? But look around I'm not the only one sitting in one. So please ask these other losers to give up their seats."

The man being questioned arrogantly responded crossing his legs. His posture exudes confidence.


However the blond man left no time for the girls rebuttal as he swiftly put a pair of earphones into each ear seemingly done with the conversation.

Stunned by the man's rudeness the girl was left speechless for a moment before recovering.

"Um... Excuse me but will anyone be willing to give up their seat? This woman is having trouble standing so I believe it's only right that we find her a seat!"

Moving on from the arrogant boy the girl addressed the rest of the passengers.

She posed an interesting argument. She believes that since this older woman is having trouble it's our job to help her. While that's certainly correct from a moral sense it's not correct based on logic. The action of giving up your seat would result in you having to stand, needlessly wasting energy for nothing in return.

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