12 - Revelation

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THE ROOM HELD MEMORIES of days long past

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THE ROOM HELD MEMORIES of days long past. Dust collected on forgotten desks, chairs standing ominously still, and on the soft yellow lights that hung from the ceiling. Cobwebs grew between every crevice in the walls, but they were limp and old, and along with the grayish-brown tint of the room, it all felt lifeless.

Steve slowly clicked open a door into another room, and it moved with barely a sound. The silence clung to the air, heavy and unbroken, like any noise or life had died with the building. The second room was like the first, dreary and ominously quiet, with the only change being rows of empty cabinets rather than desks.
They approached a wall with three portraits, dull with age, and slanting from their original positions.

"There's Stark's father," Natasha said, eyeing a handsome dark-haired man in the center. Her loud voice was a stark contrast to the quiet atmosphere around them. Emersyn felt like they should be whispering in such a place as this.

"Howard," Steve recalled his name, staring sadly at the man. His eyes were alight with old memories, reminiscing days when these people were real and true to him.

Emersyn watched him but was itching to move on, so she turned away and began examining the rest of the room for clues.

"Who's the girl?" Natasha asked.

Emersyn perked her head up to peer back at Steve and saw him abruptly walk away without an answer. She curiously brought her gaze to a woman in one of the portraits and recognized Peggy Carter, one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D. She watched Steve's stoic expression and knew was he trying to hide emotions of the past.

Putting the old S.H.I.E.L.D members into the back of her mind, Emersyn returned to the shelves in front of her and pressed her ear close to one of them. "There's a breeze." She realized, feeling a small draught come through a gap between shelves.

Steve came toward her and brushed cobwebs out of the way, eyeing the same gap Emersyn had noticed. "If you're already working in a secret office," his deep voice rumbled in the still air. He placed a hand against one of the cabinets and used his body weight to haul it backward. Steve only grimaced slightly as he pulled the groaning metal shelf to the side. It stopped halfway, so he stepped into the gap and pushed it open all the way.

"Why do you need to hide the elevator?" He finished.

"Cause it makes it more fun for us," Emersyn grinned and hurried past Steve into the dark hallway. Her running feet found an elevator at the end and she slammed against it roughly with a grunt.

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