11 - Roadtrip Questions

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AS SOON AS THEY LEFT the mall, Natasha whipped around with fiery eyes and pointed directly at Emersyn and Steve

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AS SOON AS THEY LEFT the mall, Natasha whipped around with fiery eyes and pointed directly at Emersyn and Steve. The two stopped in their tracks, frightened by her accusing finger.

"Both your prides nearly got us caught," Natasha said in a low, sharp tone. Her voice was not loud or aggressive, but the slow, accentuated words held more anger and threat than a scream would. Emersyn wanted to shrivel beneath her intense gaze. "If you had put your arguing aside, and focused, you would not have cut it that close with Rumlow. You're lucky." She emphasized. "Either one of you could have seen him coming if you weren't so focused glaring- or more accurately- staring into each other's eyes."

The last words struck a nerve, and Emersyn felt both her and Steve tense. They knew it was true, and it was embarrassing to hear aloud, especially because it almost cost them the mission.
Emersyn felt the shame creep into her heart, but she spoke up to apologize and move on, "I'm sorry... I was distracted..."

"No, you were focused, Emersyn, just not on the mission." Natasha corrected, giving her a knowing stare. She could see through Emersyn easily after knowing her ways for so many years, and it was obvious what the underlying cause of her distraction was.

"We made it out didn't we?" Emersyn argued, wanting to defend herself and escape the conversation. While she loved having the spotlight on her, Emersyn couldn't stand it when she was being criticized. She immediately regretted it when Natasha's eyes bore into hers with disdain.

"Luckily." Natasha's voice was seething. "Sort out your issues when the mission is not at stake. There are bigger things at play than your feelings for each other."

Both Emersyn and Steve gaped at her words.

"Somebody had to say it," Natasha said over her shoulder as she walked away.

The burning embarrassment felt red hot, radiating from Emersyn's cheeks. She did not dare look at Steve; her eyes were focused only on the ground. A lump formed in her throat, difficult and hard to ignore, and to swallow it would be like swallowing down her pride and stubbornness too. What Natasha said was true, and she hated to admit it, but it was harder to face it. Facing it meant admitting it in front of Steve Rogers. Emersyn didn't want him to know what she felt, or that the kiss was more than a tactical play.

The tension was painful as the moments progressed, and desperate to escape Steve's uncomfortable presence, Emersyn finally managed to pull her eyes away from burning a hole into the ground and walked quickly after Natasha. She kept her gaze low and followed behind the redhead shamefully.

The trio made a silent walk to the car, and Natasha sat in the back seat without a word to the others. Knowing she wanted to be left alone, Emersyn sat in the passenger seat rather than beside Nat. Steve was left to drive, and he adjusted his seat this time so it would be comfortable. At this, Emersyn shot him an amused smile, but he did not even glance at her. Disappointed, she slouched back in her seat and stared out the window blankly.

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