2 - Double Missions

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SHE HAD NEVER thought that a first impression could go so poorly

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SHE HAD NEVER thought that a first impression could go so poorly. Things started out fine with Steve Rogers, and he seemed decent enough... but then why did he have to turn so serious?
She thought of this while gearing up and yanked her gun out from its case a little too hard. There was a loud snap and it clattered to the floor. She felt everyone's eyes turn toward her, and now her cheeks flushed red not from embarrassment, but from frustration. It was one of those days where suddenly every little thing starts to annoy you, and it started with none other than Steve Rogers.

Emersyn was with the S.T.R.I.K.E team for the mission and had the boring job of knocking out a few people and shooting some guns. She attached her parachute to herself and waited, staring with bored eyes at the floor. The day had barely begun and yet she was already moody.
Nat and the Captain were talking before they had to drop. The hanger door opened and the sound of rushing wind flooded in. It was difficult to hear over the roar, so Rogers yelled before he left, "you really think I'd go for that?"

He glanced at Emersyn briefly before turning and lunging into the open air. What was that about..? She thought.

"Did he have a parachute?" One of the men asked.

"Of course, he didn't." Emersyn said aloud before muttering to herself, "showoff."

The wind tossed her hair into her face and caught the eye of Rumlow. He came over to her with his commanding walk and said, "get a ponytail."

Emersyn looked up, smiling with no genuine friendliness. "I'm fine, thank you."

"You won't be when you get shot in the head 'cause you couldn't see," Rumlow replied sharply.

Emersyn dropped her smile immediately. "How long have you worked for S.H.I.E.L.D, Rumlow?"

He smirked proudly, "6 years."

She laughed with every inch of her voice laced with sarcasm. "I've worked 11, and have never failed a mission because of my hair. Oh, but you wouldn't understand that because you hardly have any."

Fritz tried to stifle a laugh but was immediately stopped by Rumlow's furious glare. His face was boiling red and his lips were curled into a mean snarl. Emersyn was holding every inch of her face back to stop from laughing, but she ended up just looking constipated. Her weird face only made Rumlow even more upset.

"I'm speaking to Director Fury about this," Rumlow said, obviously trying to sound bold.

Emersyn smirked. "You do that, sweetheart."

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