Chapter 3

15 0 3

Like half an hour later lol

In preparation for the most dangerous, daring, daredevilish and drastic adventure of their lives, quintus and cerberus convenio-ed in the atrio.

They had to make a plan. One that would ensure revenge against salvius and metella. But they still needed multam pecuniam! Who in the world has pecunia in this day and age? Syphax. He's gotta have some money stashed away somewhere.

And so cerberus and quintus made their way across the forum towards the harbour. There he stood. syphax. The greasy little slave dealer. The dynamic duo of cerberus and quintus had decided to steal his precious little coins to aid their journey. Make him bankrupt, do the world a favour. They sneakily sneaked onboard his ship, and climbed below deck where the prize sat in the corner of the room. The pair were about to grab hold of the barrels of gold when...


The ship had sailed!

As chains were dragged from the harbour, the ship rocked, sending quintus and cerberus flying across the room

"Cerby! Where are you?" exclaimed quintus, panicking (at the disco ofc)

"Nkvlbgaeilbgvsli." whimpered cerberus

"Sorry what"


"I didnt teach you english for nothing, come on, enunciate dammit! Oh wait youre being crushed by the barrel, i see"


Quintus heroically rolled one of the barrels off the squashed cerberus (its giving flat stanley) and performed mouth to mouth in order to reinflate his body.

Once cerberus recovered, they rapio-ed the barrels of gold and jumped through the walls of the ship into the murky waters. dw they conveniently had lifejackets to hand, as everyone should just in case.

Not sure how they weren't spotted, but just go with it)

After hauling themselves onto the harbour with their big big muscles, cerby and quinty returned to the atrio to continue planning their mission.

With multitudes of gold to hand, all they really needed was some food and lots of wine.

So they visited their good friend grumio in the kitchens. Grumio, brushing his gorgeous locks out of his face, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his sexy muscles. Quintus was staring.

"psst. quintus. Stay focused." whispered cerberus, nudging quintus in the arm.

"Oh - s - sorry. I - i - i- was just wondering if y- you could p - p - possibly" stuttered quintus, still staring at the gorgeous muscles and crystal blue eyes.

"pathetic." murmured cerberus. Turning to grumio, he said "We were wondering if you could spare us some food, you see, we're going on a mission. Top secret. Dont tell metella"

"Of course, dear boys, in fact i'll make you some sandwiches to take with you right away. Is pb & j alright?"

"Yes, tysm xx" respondit cerberus

One last stop.
They needed some vinum. Multam vinum.

There had been rumors that clemens himself, master of all the slaves, had been drinking on duty. Surely he would have some booze to spare.

And so they asked

"My pleasure! Here, take some extra just in case! I wish you well on your journey." said clemens, slurring his words (he was deffo drunk)

Armed with money, food, and wine, they set off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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