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66AD. pompeii. quintus is five.

Its late afternoon in the town of pompeii. quintus and his friend volubilis are tired. Looking forward to getting home to his beloved villa and his beloved pater and sedet in his beloved fathers beloved horto, quintus said his adios to good old vol and made his way back home.

He stepped into the atrium of his house, and greeted his dear grumio. grumio was the family cook and also his best friend. grumio returned his greeting by giving him a pint of vinum.

quintus slams open his cubiculum ianua and rogavit:

"Pater? ubi est tu?"

"You fucking bitch woke me up from my nap" respondit a high pitched arrogant voice

Wait..... oh no.

metella screamed.

quintus screamed.

salvius screamed.

Salvius, you silly sausageWhere stories live. Discover now