The long awaited chapter 2

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79AD (a bit later than chapter 1). Still in Pompeii. quintus is, believe it or not, still 18

Pater gone. gone gone gone. Circumspectbat. Quintus ran to the horto as quickly as possibley to find his father. The horto. caecilius' favourite place. All he saw was an open back gate and cerberus barking away at the nearby hedge.

"Dude, ngl i think caecilius was kidnapped" said cerberus

"yeah bro he has just poofed off into thin air" smirked metella who was sedetting in the piscina. "Ngl i can see that happening... Caecilius is too weak a man to fight the strong, muscular, solid, powerful, manly man like the manliest man who name of man is salvius"

"salvius? where does that guy come into all this??" rogavit cerberus.

metella didnt respond. A puddle of drool landed as she simped over her secret lover. Who tf cares that she is sitting in the pool. Physics wasnt invented yet.

"you salivating would make sea levels rise quicker than global warming." butted in Melissa (slave-girl) from the window.

"What the whizzing flap is global warming" questioned metella

"You'll find out eventually" Melissa sighed as she turned away to attend to her duties and a whole new plot point began [insert shocked face]

Quintus was panicking. His father was gone,. Gone gone gone. What if he was dead? Dead dead dead. How would he possibly fathom the loss of his only father?

But then again.... Salvius.

The man who has been there for him his whole entire life. From the moment he was born to the time he found him wrestling with his mater. Wow the families were so close they were wrestling naked!

His only memory of salvius was that he was very close to his mother. They helped each other a lot, surely he must be a good enough substitute for caecilius...

But he had to get his head out of the gutter and look at things in a new light. What if all the screaming coming from mother's room wasn't because of the spider she found...what if she wasn't getting in the ring with salvius... what if....

These thoughts ran through quintus' head as if usain bolt has just taken steroids . (dw he'll be alive soon)

What should he do?

Quitnus has many options

Forget about his father forever

Go and chase his father down and bring him back

Its not exactly the biggest range of options but after many seconds of contemplation quintus came to the conclusion that salvius has some better fatherly qualities so it wasnt like quintus was giving up much if he just forgot about caecilius.

But as soon as he turned to go relax in the piscina with his dear mother, cerberus raced up behind him and grabbed his toga, throwing quintus onto the floor.

"Quintus! You ungrateful little ratbag! Caecilius was and still is the best father, master, and man anybody could ask for. How dare you even consider replacing him with musty crusty disgusting salvius!" cerberus declared.

And with that, cerberus and quintus set off on a new adventure. But first, they needed a plan.

Salvius, you silly sausageWhere stories live. Discover now