Chapter 9

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He's all I can think about

Not once does he leave my head since I've met him

I can be myself around him

He makes me comfortable to be myself

He's everything I want in a friend and partner

He makes me a better person

I love him, I really do


I'm in the creepeteria waiting for Spelldon

I read my book as I wait


I look up and see Clawdeen, Clawd, Lagoona, Frankie, Cleo and Draculaura

"What did you do to him?" Clawdeen asks, her arms are folded

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask, putting down my book

"He's so happy when he's with you, but depressed when you're not around. Sound familiar? Because Draculaura was the exact same. Before and after you hypnotised her," Cleo points out

"I didn't do anything! All I do is give him rides, help him with homework and buy him stuff! You know, things that friends would do!" I explain

"Yeah right-" Clawdeen starts but Lagoona interrupts her

"It's true mates, he gave him his card at the Coffin Bean, I saw it. And I served both of them," she explains

Clawdeen's posture softens, and she looks away, almost in embarrassment

Draculaura doesn't speak, but her eyes are fixed on me

Clawd points at me accusingly

"Do you even know the damage you've caused to people? We're not letting you do the same to him," he snarls

Now, I'm angry

I stand up abruptly and point at him

"I did what I did because I was confused! That's what I thought I had to do to get people to love me! And I know that's not right, and I'm accepting responsibility. But I assure you, I would never hurt that boy," I say

"You literally stole people's hearts and broke them! Of course that's not right!" Frankie intervenes

"I know! And I will live with that! I will forever have that guilt. And I know none of you will forgive me. But I care about Spelldon so much, I would never do anything like that to him,"

"What don't you understand!? You STOLE and BROKE hearts! How the hell are we supposed to believe you!?" Clawdeen yells

"I do understand! And I know what I did! I-"

"You did WHAT!?"

That voice.....

.....oh no.....











Slowly, I turn and see the one person I didn't want to see during this conversation





"Spelldon! I-"

"IS THAT TRUE!?" He yells

Everyone looks at us

I move away from my seat and walk towards him

"Please....tell me it's not true..." he says softly, his eyes are glassy and tears threaten to fall

I stop in front of him and I lower my head

Suddenly he grabs my shirt

"TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE VALENTINE!!" He yells, his voice breaking

I don't look at him

I can't look at him



I let out a sigh, my own tears threaten to fall

"It's true....everything they've said is true..." I say

I look at him

His eyes are wide and glassy, his cheeks are tear stained as tears fall

Now that's the face of someone with a broken heart

He lets me go with a slight push

"And to think, I already gave you my heart. When you could've stole it at ANY POINT! You could've broken it at ANY POINT! You could've TOLD ME BEFORE I GAVE YOU MY HEART!"


"Spelldon, what are you talking about?" I ask quietly

He stays silent for a minute

"I loved you...."

My eyes go wide

Audible gasps are heard

" me...?" I ask

"Loved, Valentine, I loved you,"

He turns away from me

"You didn't need to steal my heart, you didn't need to hypnotise me to get my heart, you already owned it and you didn't even know. And yet, you broke it,"

I go to reach for his shoulder


"I never want to see you again, stay away from me," he says before walking away

"Spelldon! SPELLDON!" I yell after him, but I can't bring myself to go after him

Tears fall from my eyes

I fall to my knees

What have I done?

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