Chapter 8

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"Sweetie! Someone is at the door for you!" My mother calls from downstairs


I leave my room and go downstairs and I see Spelldon in the kitchen with my mother

"Spelldon! What are you doing here darlin'?" I ask

He giggles

"I thought that we know, do our homework together,"

My cheeks heat up

"Y-Yea sure! U-Uh, come up stairs," I say, butterflies flutter around in my stomach

My mother gives me a smirk as Spelldon comes up to me, his backpack slung over his shoulder

I shake my head at her before leading him to my room

I open the door and I allow him to enter first

He walks in and looks around before I close the door

"Woaaaah, your room is so big! It's really nice!" He says, turning back to me

I give him a smile

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it,"

He gestures to the settee

"May I?"

"Oh darlin' no need to ask! Please, sit!"

He gives me a small smile before sitting down and taking off his backpack

I grab my homework before taking a seat beside him

Soon, we start our homework

Spelldon stops writing and sighs, resting his head on my shoulder as he reads it

The butterflies are back

"Cute..." I mumble

He removes his head from my shoulder and looks at me

"What did you say..?" He asks

I realise he heard me, my cheeks warm up

"N-Nothing!" I look away quickly

I feel a hand on my chin and now I'm looking at him, his eyes are full of intent

"It didn't sound like nothing Val," he whispers, a hint of red is present on his face

Oh I see what he's doing

I decide to play along

I lean in

"I said 'cute'. Happy now, your highness?" I ask teasingly

He leans in, his lips are inches away from mine

"Aw, you think I'm royalty," he whispers

I chuckle

"Of course I do," I whisper back

He glances down

"Yea?" He asks

"Yea," I respond

He looks back up at me with a mischievous look on his face

He throws his arms over my shoulders and clasps his hands, trapping me in his embrace

I don't know where to place my hands, so awkwardly I keep them on my lap

"I'm glad you think that highly of me Val,"

"Who wouldn't think of you that way?" I say softly

"It means a lot coming from you," he leans in

I probably look like a tomato right now whereas he has a small tint of red on his cheeks

My heart pounds against my ribs, as if trying to escape my chest

It will if I don't calm down

"This was fun, but I have to go now,"  he places a kiss on the side of my mouth

Briefly, I put my hand where he kissed me

He smirks

"If you're lucky, maybe next time I'll give you a proper kiss,"

"Oh Spelldon, who said anything about a next time? Hm?" I tease, removing my hand

"I did," he says

My eyes widen

Welp, I've lost this game

He gets up and packs his backpack

"Until next time, my knight in shining armour," he bows before leaving the room






Quickly, I grab a pillow and scream into it

I can't believe that just happened

Maybe, just maybe he does like me back

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