chapter five

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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀My head shot up as I heard the door ring and two voices arguing about who knows what. I smiled once I saw the familiar blue hair of the boy I've become fairly close to in the past two weeks. Along side him was the boy with sandy blond hair that I've also befriended. I walked out from behind the counter and hugged them both, laughing once I clearly heard their argument.

"There is no way an alpaca can give birth to a camel Michael, never in history was there any report of an alpaca giving birth to a baby camel!" Ashton said waving his arms in the air like a maniac.

"Says the guy who thought tadpoles were baby turtles! I'm telling you in a third world country it is possible! The government's keeping shit from us that's why you haven't heard!", then he turns to me, "Blake, please tell Ashton that it's possible and that the government is just trying to cover this up".

"Michael, I'm sorry to break it to you, but there is no possible way that can happen" I stated. Ashton cheered and Michael pretended to cry.

"You love to make me sad don't you?" He said and slung his arm around me. I stuck my tongue out at him, him doing the same to me.

"You guys are cute, please date already"

We both waved him off, "Bye Ash"

He frowns playfully and walks out of the store, "I can see I'm not wanted here, but Sarah actually texted me so my princess needs me. Bye, wear protection!"

I turned to see Michael with rose tinted cheeks. He's so adorable what the fuck.

It had been like this for the past two weeks. Ashton would drive Michael over to the record store and go back to Sarah's. After my shift ended we'd hang out at my house and watch movies or listen to music. We talked for hours on end and when it was time for Michael to go, I drove him to his apartment he shared with Luke. Even after I dropped him off we texted each other funny pictures.

I had never met a guy like Michael to say the least. He was... different. The good different though. He was funny, kind, didn't really care what color he dyed his hair. He was overall just a big ball of sunshine that could make me smile just by smiling at me. But I'd never date him. Don't get me wrong, Michael is perfect like wow. And very attractive. But I just don't date. Maybe because I'm scared of actually falling in love? Or because I know it doesn't exist but scared to find out it does?

I decide to shrug my feelings aside and drive to my house. With Michael of course.

Once we get there I see another black car in the driveway. I hit my head against the steering wheel, "Shit".

Concerned, Michael looks at me, "Are you alright? Who's in the driveway?"

I groan, "My mom"

His lips create an 'o' shape and he sighs quietly, "Well let's go" and he gets out of the car.

I panic and get out quickly, standing in front of him as he tries to walk to my front door.


"Blake what's wrong? It's just your mom"

Anxiety's starting to take over.

"How about we like go for ice cream instead or something? Or go to the park, yeah that sounds like a good idea lets go!" I say trying my best to turn him around.

He laughs and turns to face me again, "Blake come on, what's so bad about me meeting your mom?"

"Michael, you don't understand" I yell at him and take him by surprise. "My mom-"

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