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over the past few years on my life, be it in hardship, sorrow, happiness, sickness or just a satisfactory time, i've learned.

i've learned that people won't stay - they are meant to leave, to f a d e. i've learned that not all friends will stick around with you (even if you've known them since diapers); that strangers can come more closer to you than your own loved ones; nothing lasts forever and neither will all those relationships [and by 'relationship' i don't just mean your boyfriend/girlfriend].

at one point in time there will come a moment when you realise that you are not a sad song and even if you are, there will be people who continue to listen to you. some will get tired of your tune but new people will come to listen once more. people will come and go. that's life.

and then you will realise, you too will at some point, fade, vanish and go.

but darlin', that doesn't mean you won't be remembered.

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