Chapter 5

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Aesira's POV:
I was really nervous if Mira would see all my other wounds, if she would know the whole school would know, then she would ask how I got them,then- I was pulled out of my thoughts by Mira saying "So, how did you get hurt?" She said as she was finished wrapping it. "If I would tell you, you would hate me and tell the Whole school." I said sighing "So it's that bad?" Asked Mira. "Yes, I might tell you once I get to know you more." I Said. "Shit! It's 7:40!" I Said hurriedly. We quickly packed everything and rushed down.

A/n: Aesira's schedule: biology, chemistry, history, lunch, English, French, science and P.E
Mira's schedule: biology, history, chemistry, lunch, French, English,science and P.E

I went to my first class which was biology I sat down at the back of the class as Olivia stared at me menacingly, ah great, what is going to do to me now?. I thought I opened my journal and started to write a bit and then I saw Mira sit next to me. I stared at her and she smiled. The class began as everyone quieted down, the teacher looked at me and smiled as I smiled back, Ms. Walker, She is my favourite teacher she always cared for me and she knows my little secret. She found out when I came to school with a stab wound last year. She started to talk about the class and I zoned out. The class was over soon and I walked off to my next class but got shoved on to the lockers by Olivia. "Told you I'll get my revenge you bitch!" She started to kick me non-stop in the stomach and I felt a liquid in my mouth. Oh god, it's blood. She soon punched my face and I heard Ms. Walker's Voice. "OLIVIA SMITH, GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!" She shouted. As soon as Olivia let go of me I fell to the floor, I heard Ms. Walker talking to me but I couldn't hear it very well, everything was spinning and I passed out.

Mira's POV:
I didn't see Aesira at lunch, so I decided to ask Ms. Walker of she saw her. "Um, Excuse me Ms. Walker?" I said nervously "Ah yes dear?" She looked at me with kind eyes and I calmed down. "Do you happen to know where Aesira is?" Her eyes changed into sad eyes. "She is in the hospital wing, Olivia beat her up pretty bad." She said worriedly. As soon as I heard that I went to tell her siblings and friends about it. I went to their table and said. "Guys Aesira is in the hospital wing!" I said worriedly. As soon as they heard that the rushed to the hospital wing.

We reached her room as I saw her bruised face. Her friends and siblings looked angry. "Who did this?" Asked Alex angrily. "Olivia" I responded meekly. They stayed by her side as they knew she would need them by her side. She woke up after 30 minutes and said. "Guys, what happened- Argh! My head..." She said her voice low and quiet. "Olivia beat you up badly." Responded Artemis. She looked angry but she asked us what time it is. I looked at the clock and said "it's 9 pm" She looked shocked. "I need to get to my dorm- Ack! My legs!" She responded wincing. I called for the doctor and asked for what injuries she has. "She has broken ribs, two broken legs and bruised face, she needs a wheelchair and she must rest for a week or so. " The doctor said. "Can you get the wheelchair. Asked Athena. "Alright, I'll be right back with it" He smiled as he finished his sentence, and he went to get the wheelchair. Aesira's stomach grumbled. I looked at her worried. "When was the last time you ate?" Asked Aziel. "Uh last night?" She said. "I'll order your favourite." Said Alex with a grin. She smiled at him. Her smile is beautiful, I wish I could make her smile like that. Alex pulled out his phone and went outside to order. The doctor came in with a wheelchair and some medications. "She must take these 2 times a day for the next week. "He said. Alex came back in and lifted Aesira onto the wheelchair. "Thank you sir. "Responded Alex. As soon as the doctor left they looked worried. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. "The hospital bill, we can't afford it. "Responded Artemis. "My dad is a CEO, he is one of the richest people in the city, I could ask him to pay it. " I said. They looked shocked by the sudden offer. "Are you sure?" Asked Aesira still shocked. "Of course." I said with a smile. "Now let's get you to your dorm." Said Aziel.

Aziel and Alex lifted the wheelchair up the stairs, then we arrived to our dorm. "You guys can go, I'll take care of her." I said with a smile. "Are you sure? She can be a handful." Said Alex with a chuckle. Aesira slapped his arm jokingly. "Yes I'm sure. " I said as I giggled a bit. They left soon after as I rolled Aesira into our dorm. "Let go of me. " She said. I let go as she rolled herself next to her bed and carefully went on it. I was about to go to my bed before I heard Aesira's Voice, "No. Stay." She said. "Are you sure?" I asked meekly. "I'm sure." She said I went to sit next to her, as she moved a bit to make space for me.

Suddenly, Someone knocked the door. I opened it and it was the delivery man. He handed me the bag of food and I handed him the money. I walked over to Aesira as she saw what was in my hand and she immediately sat up but carefully. I chucked softly as I looked at her actions. She is so beautiful. She grabbed the bag and took out some Chinese food. They was kung pao chicken with seafood noodles, fried vegetables and shrimp, and some Chinese rice. "Mira?" She asked softly. "Yes?". I said. "Could you bring me to the table?" She said mumbling. "Of course." She got on the wheel chair and I pushed her to the table. She placed the food on the table but she wasn't eating." What's wrong? "I replied concerned. "I forgot my meds..." she responded mumbling. I was shocked as I widened my eyes. "Where are they?" I asked sweetly. "In my drawer. " She pointed to her drawer. I got up and opened it I grabbed the capsule of pills and walked back to the table. I handed it to her along with a cup of water. She took them and began eating slowly. "Have some, I can't finish this myself." She said asking me to take a plate. I took the plate, adding a portion of each on my plate, and began eating.

It was now 11 pm. We put the leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow or later. Our dorm was more like a apartment, there was two beds in front of each one is a desk, a living room, a dining table, a bathroom, and a kitchen. We were on Aesira's bed watching a movie, and Aesira was feeling tired, she suddenly fell asleep in my arms. My face heated up by the sudden contact. I soon also fell asleep, with Aesira on my chest and my arms around her.

[Heyyyy. Sorry for not posting for so long. How did you like the new chapter? It sure is a long one!]

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