Chapter 15: Noteworthy

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As I wait for Devin and the others to come back from the second recon, I decide to mess around with my powers. I have come to love the freezing adrenaline the dead give me. It's almost like I can feel their strength and knowledge in their misty touch. Miguel is pacing the floors in front of me, flexing his powers as the dead rise and fall from the cabin floor. "Check this out Shanie!" Miguel calls my attention back to him, and I smile as he spreads his fingers out, placing his hand palm down on the floor. He closes his eyes and I watch in amazement as he opens them again. His eyes look horrified at what he's seeing.

"Miguel? What are you doing?" I take a step towards him, worried at the strange look in his eyes. He just shakes his head as if he has no idea what's happening.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a woman. When did they start allowing y'all to wear pants?" The voice that comes out of him is deep and country, a huge difference from the light whiny voice he usually has.

"Who are you?" I ask, my curiosity burning. It appears to me that Miguel is channeling the dead through himself. I did read in one of the books back home that the ability to channel the dead was a part of the dead raising gift, but I hadn't been able to succeed with it before the hunt. I'm guessing I just wasn't strong enough.

"The names Hans Grier." He holds out Miguel's hand to shake mine, and then stares at the outstretched hand with distaste. "Am I inside a child?" His question is so bizarre that I burst into laughter, and Kandi and Jordan laugh too as they turn their attention to Miguel. I watch as his eyes roll again, and I can tell Miguel's back by the eye roll he gives.

"I am not a child. Do I look like a child?" Miguel looks to our siblings for reassurance, his eyes landing on me with a frustrated look.

"Yeah, you do. You can change that though, so I'm not sure why you sound so whiny about it." Kandi laughs again as Miguel sticks his tongue out at her and flips her off.

"Yeah well I like looking young. I don't get why you guys want to look so old." Miguel points to Jordan and then to me. I grin at the mention.

"Growing up in the human world, I learned that people don't take you seriously when you look young. They don't believe kids hold any knowledge. So of course, I'm going to look middle aged. It just makes more sense." I shrug, brushing my dark, silky hair over my shoulders. I have to admit to myself that not needing to brush my wreck of curls every day is an added bonus to this immortal life.

"You know too much about the human world, it's not even fair." Miguel frowns, thinking to himself. I am very curious where his mind is at, considering this is the first time he's been at full strength too. He glances out the window with a shake of his head. "I can't believe I ever wanted to live up here."

"What's wrong with being up here? You don't like it?" I ask, curious as to what changed his mind.

"It's so hot. And too sunny. Makes my eyes water." Miguel shrugs, meeting my gaze again. "It is pretty though, in its own way."

"How do you channel the dead like that?" I ask, wanting to get back to the topic of their abilities. Due to my previous tries ending in failure, I'm not too keen on just jumping into it again without some type of reference.

"You reach out to one and invite them in." Miguel states, giving me a wide grin. "You don't have to fear failing. You're at full strength now."

"I'm not afraid of failing!" I snap, making Miguel's eyes go wide with surprise. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound so defensive."

"Try it. Close your eyes and reach out to them." Miguel takes a step closer to me, grabbing my hand and squeezing. I smile, mostly to myself, as I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I have spent a long time being the only child, so having supportive siblings is a new experience. Kyndal made it seem like her siblings hated each other, and knowing humans they probably did. I'm just thankful that my siblings aren't hateful in the slightest.

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