Chapter 2: Strangers and Things

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I hold my breath as I watch the tall man in the white robe grin and clap. "I found her for sure. And he's in the mortal realm. Now is our chance! He has to be collecting her." The man is bending over what appears to be a cloud, and his grin uncovers perfect white teeth. His odd choice of clothes stands out to me the most, considering the man looked like a movie star. His strange white robe hangs loosely from his thick body and the lightning bolt tucked into his rope belt sends shivers down my spine. The smile he wears is threatening, and I know he is talking about me. His straight white teeth are almost blinding to look at, and I avert my gaze to the man sitting on one of the thrones.

"Your chance brother. I'm not interested in this quarrel in the slightest." The other man, who looks completely disinterested in the other's views, states in a monotone voice. He leans back on the marble throne and taps his fingers against the arm rest. His shaggy blonde hair and wet suit also surprises me. He looks almost wet, but there's no water dripping off his seemingly perfect body. The first brother has silver streaking through his already light hair, but he doesn't look physically a day over 30.

"You'll be interested when she takes over and you have to answer to her." The first guy snaps, shooting the other a glare as he walks back towards the throne in the center of the room. He turns last second, and I realize he's pacing. I swear I catch lightning flash in his eyes as he turns.

"There's no way a half mortal could take over. We could easily beat any half mortal." The second replies, obviously hinting that his brother is crazy to be worried about me.

"Then what was the prophecy for? If not to take over our thrones, what did it mean?" The first turns to face his brother and angrily steps closer. "You have no idea what is about to happen, and you're too lazy to care about your own throne. It's a pity."

"Honestly, I just don't care about your throne. The prophecy spoke of skies, not oceans. If you fear an uprising, maybe you should learn to treat people better." He shoots a look towards a map at the back of the throne room.

"He chose them over a relationship with us. That's his fault he's treated like he is." The first man's voice sounds defensive. "A hydra should bring their adventure to an end quickly."

"You owe an awful lot to monsters already, how many favors will you grant to the evil ones just to protect yourself?" The second man sounds put out by his brother's ideas. The other's eyes spark with that same lightning as before, sending dread throughout me.

"You know nothing, after all these years! Sometimes evil for the good of all is necessary."

            I sit up in my bed, sweating already as the smell of breakfast reaches my nose. I glance at my phone, noting it's only 7am. My mother is never up before 11 when she doesn't have to be, and she definitely doesn't make breakfast before she's had time to fully awaken. I was already paranoid from the dream, but the smell sends prickles of fear throughout me. Reluctantly, I throw my covers off and pull on a black t-shirt and shorts. I brush through my dark curls, staring at my reflection in distaste. I look like I didn't sleep at all and feel the lack of rest in my bones. My brown eyes seem unusually dull and are framed with dark circles.

            With a heavy sigh, and an even heavier heart, I slowly make my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. My mom is standing at the counter, and she turns to me when she hears me walking into the kitchen. "Good morning honey." She says softly, and hands me a cup of coffee. She already has plates set out with food, so I sit down and raise an eyebrow at her.

            "Awfully early in the morning for you to be banging around the kitchen. What's the occasion?" I ask, and then take a bite of the pancakes on my plate.

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