Chapter 12: Bending Destiny

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After spending a few hours with Miguel, I start to realize that a lot of their problems must stem from their self-doubt. I also have concluded that the dead are pretty cool to work around. With Miguel's help, I've got the dead part down pat. We had some good conversations about our plans for the war, and I even got some good advice from a corpse named General MacArthur.

"Shanie!" A voice brings my attention back to the sitting room in the castle. I look up to see Dezzy at the doorway. "You want some company?" She points to the seat next to me.

"Yes actually. I wanted to talk to you about your gifts anyways." I give her a smile, and Dezzy drops into the chair with a chuckle.

"Talk away. What do you want to know?" She asks.

"How do you use the bending on a day-to-day basis?" My first question seems to surprise her.

"Oh, um, I create things for everybody. Weapons, fixtures, furniture." Dezzy points to the black and silver table in the other room. "Like that."

"How would you use this in a war like scenario?" I try again, hoping that Dezzy gets that I want to know more about the weaponizing of it this time.

"Yeah, I can make weapons. That will help in a war." She rolls her eyes. I can tell she's starting to get annoyed with me by the look on her face.

"Weapons are nice, sure. Could you bend the metal from the ground or only the metal you can, see?" I have been horribly curious about this gift.

"Oh, straight from the ground. If its above ground I can use it quicker, but I can pull it straight from the ground." Dezzy shoots me a confused look. "Do you not think I'm good enough to be in your war or something? Because I've been here fighting this fight for hundreds of years now."

"Oh goodness no! I am just trying to figure out if I can use this ability in a different way." I speak, thinking about how I got Miguel to learn something new.

"What? How else would you use this gift?" Dezzy definitely thinks I'm crazy by the way she gives me some serious side eye.

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe I could use the metal bending to create puppets that can fight for us without us having to win them over." I think about a movie I saw where a guy that moved metal took over enemy robots that way.

"Like robots? I can't really make working robots. Just the husks." She gives me a strange look. "However, I could probably create shells and on the battlefield, I can bend them to do my will."

"Yeah, see? That's the idea. Or what if we could bend metal into the enemies? Wrap them around their bones and make them do what we want?" I know the thought is a little dak, but these are times of war, and we are grossly outnumbered on every front.

"That's pretty fucked up, but we could definitely do that." Dezzy gives me a smirk. "I thought you were just crazy from being raised by humans."

"And now you know I'm just trying to help?" I ask hopefully, making her laugh.

"No, now I know you're crazy, but I'm here for this crazy!" I let out a chuckle at her thought process.

"These are times of war, with Gods none the less. We can't afford the mercy of being kind with our attacks." I think about the fact that just last week I was stressed about wearing a dress on the graduation stage. It's crazy that I'm planning on going to war with my vampire siblings just days later.

"Unfortunately, that's true. Zeus is a cruel son of a bitch." Her eyes seem clouded with pain when she speaks.

"You were there that day. You saw him... do what he did." I whisper. Dezzy nods. "What was it like?"

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