Chapter 43: Repair Coming Up!

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Jaune then starts to explain Everything too Ironwood as Mordred stands guard at the door, Ironwood was told everything about Salem Immortality, The questions and the blue spirits that lives in the Relics As well all Ozma or Ozpin secrets.

Ironwood is sitting at the table with a stunned expression

Ironwood: She... can't be killed. Jinn told you this?

Jaune: I wasn't but My Knight Mordred can confirm it.

Mordred nods as Ironwood was in distraught.

Ironwood: Why? Why would Oz keep this from us? From the people who trusted him?

Jaune: Your reaction is understandable, Do take your time to process all of this.

Ironwood turns away a little, resting his hand over his mouth.

Jaune stayed quiet as he watches curious on what Ironwood plans to do now with this new knowledge.

Ironwood lowers his hand from his face, uncertain at first.

Ironwood: I.... How can we beat her then...

Jaune: I know a way but it isn't the best.

Ironwood looks at Jaune.

Ironwood: Mr Arc, What is your idea, Please... Even if Ozm- Ozpin lied to me and everyone, I still consider the man a friend as He too did some good things to which wont be forgotten by me.

After seeing Ironwood who just found out someone who he considered a dear close friend, But refuses to allow the lies to control his emotion but decided to not hold the man at blame as Ironwood knows that Ozpin has been trying to help but perhaps all the Reincarnated people mind could be blocking his view of everything and hold on to past betrayal beside seeking only trust worthy people... Jaune couldn't help but smile.

Jaune: You are certainly a very much trustworthy man Ironwood, You should be proud as most dont have that kind of heart and for that, You shall know.

Jaune stands as Ironwood watches with serious eyes as Jaune lift up his hand as a mist appeared within his hands before to the handle to the tip, A Golden sword that started to glow golden appeared.

Jaune stands as Ironwood watches with serious eyes as Jaune lift up his hand as a mist appeared within his hands before to the handle to the tip, A Golden sword that started to glow golden appeared

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Jaune: This is the Excalibur, The very sword from the books and legends.

Ironwood eyes widen in shocked as He cant believe in what he is seeing.

Ironwood: The Excalibur... Impossible.... How do you even have it...

 How do you even have it

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