Finally Home

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"Yes we're finally back home." Alexis says as they reappear in the lab.

"Your back! I thought you'd be stuck in the game forever." Eric says as he walks over.

"Like there's no place like home." Shaggy says as Velma walks over to Officer Wembley.

"Everyone ok?" Officer Wembley asks.

"I think so." Cat man says.

"Well done you've saved the world from a terrible menace. " Professor Kaufman says.

"But did you find out who created the virus?" Bill asks.

"We've got a pretty good idea." Fred says.

"Good because whoever created the virus must be punished." Professor Kaufman says as Velma walks over to him.

"Glad you agree professor because your a suspect as much as anyone here." Velma says.

"What? Me? But I'm a scientist. I've dedicated my life to my students and this university." Professor Kaufman says.

"But you also stood to make a quarter million dollars at the science fair." Fred says.

"If you stole the invention." Alexis says.

"Preposterous!" Professor Kaufman says shaking his head no.

"And let's not forget Officer Wembley." Shaggy says as he, Scooby, and Demon walk over to Officer Wembley.

"What! I'm an officer of the law.. sort of anyway I've never committed a crime in my life!" Officer Wembley shouts.

"But you were the only person who was with us in the lab when we got sent into the game." Star child says.

"But once in the game we found some important clues." Velma says.

"Our first clue came when we were on the moon level. The phantom virus shout "play ball"." Daphne says.

"And on the Colosseum level we found some chalk lines like a large diamond." Fred says.

"But our biggest clue was on the final level." Space man says.

"When the phantom virus appeared in a batting cage." Cat man says.

"All I'm getting is that the virus had a thing for.. baseball! Bill!" Eric shouts as Bill tries to get open a locked door.

"Not so fast kid." Officer Wembley says as bill tries to run but gets tripped by Alexis and Scooby's tails.

"Ok son. It's all over." Officer Wembley says as he puts hand cuffs on bill.

"Bill you were my best friend." Eric says.

"And one of my best students." Professor Kaufman says.

"But you didn't pick my project." Bill says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eric asks.

"Professor Kaufman chose your video game design over mine even though I've been here two years longer." Bill says.

"Students are all equal Bill." Professor Kaufman says.

"So you invented the phantom virus hoping it would scare Eric away." Velma says.

"That's right and it worked till you guys showed up." Bill says.

"You were afraid that we would find out who created the virus." Fred says.

"So you beamed us into cyber space." Shaggy says.

"Prize would of been all mine if it wasn't for-" Bill gets cut off by Alexis and the others as Officer Wembley leads him away.

"Us meddling kids." Alexis and the others say in union.


"I wanna thank you for getting rid of that phantom virus. Lunch is on me guys." Eric says.

"In that case I'll have another cheeseburger." Shaggy says while he and Scooby are eating.

"Make that two cheeseburgers." Scooby says.

"No problem. I'm sorry you guys got trapped in cyber space." Eric says.

"Well it really wasn't all that bad." Fred says.

"Really?" Eric asks.

"Going back in time was really fun." Velma says.

"You did a great job designing all the game levels." Daphne says.

"Yea well done." Alexis says.

"Thanks Alexis. Thanks Daphne." Eric says as he smiles.

"But next time go easier on the monsters." Shaggy says causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey Shaggy I just pulled up the Scooby Doo video game on my laptop. Wanna play?" Eric asks.

"What do you say Scoob? Now that there's no creepy virus in the game." Shaggy says.

"Haven't you had enough for one day?" Velma asks as Shaggy and Scooby go over to the laptop.

"Zoinks. Look." Shaggy says as he then shows their cyber doubles waving.

"What are you doing Scoob?" Shaggy asks as Scooby takes the laptop and starts typing.

"Now that's what I call hacking." Daphne says as Scooby pulls up Cyber Scooby and feeds him Scooby snacks.

"Hacking and Scooby snacking." Shaggy says.

"Scooby Dooby Doo." Scooby howls as everyone laughs.

Cyber Chase Scooby Doo And Kiss Rock N Roll Catman X OC Alexis PT 5Where stories live. Discover now