Last Level & Cyber Doubles: Final Battle

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"Scooby Doos." Shaggy calls as they all have found each other but the Scooby Doos.

"Where are you?" Cyber Shaggy calls.

"I wonder where they are." Daphne says.

"Over here." Scooby and Cyber Scooby say together at the same time as they come walking over before they tackle down their Shaggys licking their faces.

"Now that we're all here we've got one last monster to face." Fred says.

"The phantom virus." Space man says.

"And this is the final level so the virus wont be easy to beat." Velma says

"Velma has a point well need to be on alert if we're going to beat him." Star child says as Alexis nods her head in agreement.

"Hey what's this? Zoinks I've still got the magnet Professor Kaufman gave me." Shaggy says holding the magnet.

"You had the magnet with you and forgot about it?" Cat man asks.

"Yea. I guess I was too busy being scared." Shaggy says.

"What's wrong with them?" Demon asks seeing the cyber doubles acting like they are in a trance as everyone tries to snap their doubles out of their trance.

"What's going on here?" Daphne asks.

"The cyber gang is made of elcto magnetic energy and therefore effected by the magnet just like the phantom virus." Velma says.

"What's this about a magnet?" Cyber Shaggy asks as he snaps out of his trance once Shaggy puts the magnet away.

"Hey we have a way to beat the virus now." Fred says.

"And we know he's guarding the Scooby snacks in there." Velma says pointing to the video arcade.

"We need your gang to stay here." Fred says.

"You don't want us to help you?" Cyber Fred asks.

"We wouldn't want you to get hurt by the magnet again." Daphne says.

"Magnet? What are you talking about?" Cyber Daphne asks.

"Oh never mind." Daphne says as she laughs before Alexis and the others except their cyber doubles then walk into the video arcade.

"Man this is one great video arcade." Shaggy says.

"Ruh-huh." Scooby says as they keep walking.

"Just keep an eye open for the virus." Fred says.

"Yea he could be anywhere." Alexis says.

"Look there's the Scooby Doo video game." Daphne says pointing to the game.

"And the Scooby snacks." Velma says seeing the snacks.

"Oh boy Scooby snacks." Scooby says as he goes to run to the snacks before hearing the phantom virus laugh and runs back to Shaggy.

"Like I hear him but I don't see him." Shaggy says as the Scooby game starts Shaggy before it blows up revealing the phantom virus.

"Ready to play some games?" The phantom virus asks as he strikes some games as the game pieces and basket balls start flying everywhere.

"shaggy the magnet!" Velma says.

"Oh right." Shaggy says as he gets out the magnet.

"Shaggy you need to get closer!" Alexis shouts seeing the magnet isn't doing anything where Shaggy isn't close enough.

"That's easy for you to say!" Shaggy shouts.

"Then toss the magnet over here!" Fred shouts.

"With pleasure!" Shaggy says as star child catches the magnet

"Hey Mr Zappy." Star child says as he walks up to the phantom stunning him as Scooby starts heading for the snacks.

"Hurry Scooby! I'm not sure how much longer this will work!" Star child shouts as he then steps onto a ball falling back onto Scooby as the magnet then goes under a game.

"Oh tough break." The phantom laughs as Star child tries to get the magnet but the phantom zaps the game making the wires come out and wrap around Star child's legs making him unable to move.

"Star child!" Alexis and the other KISS members shout as Star child tries to get loose but can't. The phantom then starts having game pieces fly everywhere again.

"Take cover!" Alexis shouts as everyone hides behind a game.

"You thought my hitting was good wait till you see my pitching!" The phantom says as he throws a electric ball at the game Shaggy is hiding behind destroying it.

"What do we do now!?" Shaggy asks as he shakes from fear while Alexis shifts to wolf form crawling over to Star child to try and chew the wires to free him but has no luck.

"Cyber Alexis and Scooby?" Star child and Alexis ask in union seeing the doubles come to try to help Alexis free Star child.

"That's right." Cyber Scooby says as he and Cyber Alexis help Alexis pull on the wires.

"It's no use we need some wire cutters but I've got an idea wanna help?" Star child asks.

"Rokay." Cyber Scooby says as Alexis and her cyber double nod their heads in agreement.

"Great here's the plan." Star child whispering to them the plan as Alexis and the doubles then crawl over to Scooby who is hiding under a bench and whisper to him the plan.

"Rokay." Scooby says as he starts crawling with Cyber Alexis as Cyber Scooby and Alexis jump out and start getting the phantom to attack them.

"What are you two doing?" Velma asks as Alexis and Cyber Scooby dodge the phantoms attacks.

"Your down for you final outs." The phantom virus says as he misses again trying to attack Alexis and Cyber Scooby.

"Huh I've never seen Scooby act so brave... Oh I get it. That's Alexis and Cyber Scooby distracting the phantom and that's Cyber Alexis and old Scoob going for the snacks." Shaggy says realizing what's going on.

"Meddling canines." The phantom says as he zaps two machines making them come to live and grab Alexis and Cyber Scooby with their wires.

"Oh no!" Fred shouts seeing Alexis and Cyber Scooby captured.

"No!" The phantom shouts as he starts to disappear as Scooby and Cyber Alexis grab the snacks.

"Alright!" Shaggy shouts coming out from behind a game as the wires unwrap from Alexis, Cyber Scooby, and Star Child while game pieces start falling to the ground. Alexis and the group then watch as the phantom disappears.

"You did it! You beat the phantom virus." Cyber Fred says as he and the rest of the cyber doubles walk in.

"Great job guys." Cyber Shaggy says as the arcade disappears and a grid vortex appears in the sky.

"Looks like we're leaving." Fred says.

"Are you sure you wanna split? There's a lot of cyber buffets to try here." Cyber Shaggy says.

"Reah rokay." Scooby says.

"Sorry but we have to go." Velma says.

"I guess this is good bye." Cyber Velma says as Alexis and the others back away from the cyber doubles.

"Bye." Everyone says in union.

"Thanks for all the help." Daphne says as they wave to the doubles before being zapped by a green light and disappearing from the game.

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