Good News

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Days had passed since Emma had gone to Gold for help, and so far she hadn't heard a thing. Emma kept quiet about her daughter, especially when Henry was around, and she made David and Mary Margaret promise to do the same. If there was even the slightest chance that things didn't work out, she didn't want her son getting hurt.

Emma continued to dream about her daughter every night, except now instead of seeing a baby, she saw a beautiful young girl with more pain in her eyes than any child should have to deal with. There were several times where she woke up with tears rolling down her cheeks, unable to go back to sleep.

Emma was just beginning to wonder if Gold would keep up his end of the deal, when there was a knock on the door. Henry jumped up, nearly knocking over his bowl of cereal in the process. He ignored his mother's shouts to stop, and rushed to open the door.

"Mr Gold, what are you doing here?" He asked, clearly confused.

Emma sighed in relief. Although she didn't like the idea of that man being anywhere near Henry, it was a lot better than Cora or Regina. She stood up and made her way over to the door, placing a gentle hand on her son's shoulder. "Hey kid, why don't you go finish breakfast, and I'll take you to school."

Henry frowned, and Emma knew he could tell that something was up. He opened his mouth, and she was sure he was about to argue, when David walked over. "Come on, bud. You don't want to be late for school. I thought maybe I could walk you today."

Emma shot David a grateful smile, but this all just seemed to make Henry more suspicious. He really was too smart and perceptive for his age. "You're up to something." He said.

Emma gave a nervous laugh, and she was sure that alone gave it away. "What? No I'm not."

Henry grinned. "You definitely are, but that's okay. I know you'll tell me when you're ready." He threw his arms around Emma's waist, causing her to smile. Even after all these months, his hugs always caught her by surprise.

She hugged him back, before kissing him on the head. "Have a good day at school, kid." She watched as he and David walked out the door, before turning her attention back to Gold.

"I take it you haven't told him." Gold guessed.

Emma crossed her arms. "That's none of your business. Have you found anything, or not?"

Gold chuckled. "As luck would have it, I have. Maybe if you invite me in, I can share my findings."

Emma rolled her eyes, but opened the door farther, allowing the man to enter. She walked over to the couch and took a seat, and Gold did the same in the chair across from her. "So, what did you find?"

"Her name is Macey." Gold began.

"Macey." Emma repeated, a small smile on her face. Her daughter's name was Macey.

"Apparently she had some problems with her heart and lungs when she was born." Gold continued. "Which is likely why she wasn't adopted."

Emma paled. "She's sick?" It didn't matter to her, of course, she loved her daughter no matter what. But she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"She was pretty sick, yes. She required multiple surgeries in her first so many years of life, however from what I have gathered, she is doing better now."

Emma sighed. She felt bad that her daughter had to go through all of that at such a young age, and she felt even worse at the thought of her having to go through it alone. "Is there a way for me to get her back?"

"Legally, no." Gold admitted. "However, with magic, anything is possible. I'm the one who helped Regina adopt Henry. Thanks to me, she was able to skip over many of the legal aspects, making it quicker and easier for her to adopt."

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