Comfortable <3

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yesterday was a ball. We all got drunk and had fun. I noticed how much fun Adrii had. I haven't seen her smile so much before. She opened up a little about her sex life, I can tell she had a time. I loved that she was becoming more comfortable around me.

Since I woke up before Andrii, I decided to make breakfast.

My mom couldn't because she didn't have time to. She had to leave earlier then she usually does because somebody got sick and needed for her to fill in for them at work

I walked downstairs putting out the bacon, pancake mix, eggs and grits, turned on the oven, then began to cook everything.

By the time I was finished Adrii came downstairs in her pajamas and her hair in a messy bun. You can tell she probably just woke up . "What's that smell?" She said as she rubbed her eyes

I turned the stove off before answering "I made breakfast"

"You cook?"

I rolled my shoulders "You know I do a little sum' sum"

"It smells good" Adrii said as she sat down on at the table

"Preciate it" I smiled as I started to prepare my plate

I heard Adrii phone dinging and caught her smiling at her phone . I playfully smiled "damn who blowing you up?"

Adrii turned red before showing me her phone. I began to read the messages and immediately caught on

"Oh.. who's that?"

Adrii tried to hide her smile and looked down "That girl from yesterday"

"Girl from yesterday? You met a girl at the party?"

"Yea, that Sah girl.."

My eyes grew big and my mouth dropped "Holdonnn y'all exchanged numbers?"

Adrii looked up and nodded her head.

When did she even had the time to be with Sah alone? Not that I care or nun' but Adrii was supposed to be all me. But, if this makes her smile then shit. It's not like she KNEW I was on that with her

I took a bite of my bacon and nodded my head "Ou okay big dawggg, y'all talking or what?"

"I think so.. she want me to come over but I don't know yet"

"... right. well, the foods ready you can eat now if you want" I said as I grabbed my plate and Adrii nodded

I walked back upstairs into my room and soon as I entered... I began to talk my shit

"Brooo, I just know this muhfucker ain't choose Sah. Like what the jus met this bitch. She could be a murderer for all you know" i lowly yelled pasting around my room as I talked to my self as if I was talking to Adrii

"Bro you so dumb if you would've just let Adrii know how you was feeling then she probably would've fucked with you" I continued to argue with myself

After my lil rant, I sat on my bed and let out the biggest sign before putting my plate down and pulling out my phone because ain't shit else to do.

Soon as I opened tiktok my room door swung open and I met eyes with Adrii, she had this worried look on her face

"Uh Tk.." Adrii began to fidget with her fingers

I gave all my attention to her "Wassup?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Gone head"

Adrii stood in the door way and leaned on the door "Sah's on her way to pick me up"

"Alright....that's it?"

"And ...she been texting me on some freaky shit but, the thing is I don't want to do anything with her"

I frowned my eyebrows "You a touch me not?"

Adrii nodded her head slowly "I mean, I've done things with my ex but I was comfortable with her, growing up I didn't really have the best childhood so I'm not comfortable with being touched"

I got the memo of what she was tryna say and I nodded "Then you should let her know that"

Adrii paused for a moment... "What if she don't like me no more after I tell her.."

"If she can't respect you and your decision, then you'll find somebody else who would"

Adrii lightly smiled "Yea, thanks. Ima go get ready"

"Fashoo, be safe" I said as I watch Adrii walk out

Shit, Sah better respect her decision, and if she do anything out of pocket to make Adrii feel uncomfortable in any kind of way im her ass, period.


                         Later that day

I've been in the house all day waiting for Adrii but she still haven't came back. I was starting to worry my self so I texted Adrii asking her if she was alright but I didn't receive a text back

Maybe I'm just worrying to much. I'm sure Adrii's good. But I'm tired as hell so ima take me a little nap until she does back.

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