Drink <3

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Time: 8:30 pm

Adrii and I was currently getting ready for Sevyn kickback tonight. Just to get out the crib you know?

"You ready?" I called out to Adrii and she yelled back "hold on give me 2"

I was already dressed. I throw on a grey jumpsuit with my white ones, just somthing basic and comfortable.

I waited for a while until Adrii was finished

"I'm done" Adrii said walking into my room

She looked nice. She had on a blue hoodie with black pants and blue n black dunks.

"You look niceee" I smiled and Adrii turned red "thank you, you too."

"Preciate it, cmon let's start heading out

{At Sevyn KickBack}

"Tkkkk" Sevyn called out dapping her up "I didn't think you'll come for real"

"You know I had too"

"Wassup Adrii" she dapped her up

Adrii jerked her head

This kickback was a little crowded . It was at a air bnb and the shit was nice asl. I looked over to my right and seen shorty whispering to her friend while looking at me. I look her up and down and she smiled

"Y'all can come to the back with me, they playing Truth or Drink, y'all tryna play?"

Me and Adrii both agreed. Shit , why not.

We walked to the back where we saw 4 more people. Sevyn introduced us all.

Miya, Sah, DeAsia, and Milly.

Miya and Milly was clearly fems. Sah was a stud. DeAsia gave off stem.

"Ok ok" Milly started speaking "Have y'all ever ate ass?"

"No" me, and Miya answered" but Sah, Sevyn and Adrii took a shot

I looked at Adrii and she smiled "ewww what? y'all nastyy" I said then looking at everybody who took a shot

"Shit, if the tongue slip then you got to" Sah shrugged and everybody laughed.

I wasn't really surprised with Sevyn. She use to tell me all her sex stories when we hung out. But with Andrii ?? I would have never thought.

This game was only getting more interesting, everyone asked questions and we either answered or took a shot. Adrii was definitely a secret freak. You would've never thought because she just so quiet.

"Out of everyone in the circle.. who would y'all fuck"

I instantly took a shoot, along with everyone besides Sah and Miya. "I'll fuck everybody in the circle" Miya stated and we all laughed

"What bout you Sah?" Sevyn asked and Sah looked around the circle stopping when her eyes locked with Adrii.

I swear she bet not...

"Um- actually let me take my shot" she said picking up her shot then taking it.


Adrii smirked a little then looked away.

Fuck is that about ..

"Nah, you cheating" Sevyn laughed and Sah threw her hands up "how ??? I took a shot just like you did"

"Nah you wanted to answer at first why the sudden change ?" Sevyn asked as she refilled everyone shot

"Because I changed my mind"

"Mhm" Sevyn eyes her "anyways, Tk your next"

I thought for a minute before asking my question "where's the weirdest place y'all ever had sex?

"At the movies" Sevyn answer. "The car" Adrii answered. Swear I'm learning so much about this girl. "Uh church" Miya answered and every one jaw dropped.

"Girl what the hell... you going straight to hell" DeAsia said shaking her head

This muhfucka said church... hell got a special place for her

Miya smacked her teeth "don't act like y'all ain't never wanted to do it in church"

Everyone just shook their head because what?? Never in my years of life have I even let that cross my mind.

"You need help, and you need it fast" Sah said looking at Miya. Everyone was just shooked.

"Uhh anyways, who's next?" Miya said changing the subject

"Uh I think Adrii"

Adrii took a minute before asking her questions "uh ever let someone spit in your mouth?"

"Hell yea I love that shit" Sah smiled

"Really?" Adrii asked "hell yea it adds a lil more nasty to it" Sah added

"Eh, I tried it once"  Sevyn answered

"I fuck with it" I said.

Everybody agree to it.

Ok this game was started to get boring. We was already lit from the shots we had to take. So we decided to stop playing. We were now just chillin and talking.

I had to pee all of sudden.

"Sevyn where the bathroom?" I asked and Sevyn sat up "I can take you cmon" she said and I followed her. Adrii should be good. She's been good with conversation so far. I never really heard Adrii talk much I'm glad she coming out her shell.

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