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A brand-new day arrives at the Azur Lane Base of Pearl Harbor. JS Yamato wakes up early, as usual, thinking about her plans.

Yamato: 'Oh right... I'm no longer in my home. No secretary work to be done.' Changing into her standard uniform. 'I wonder where's the cafeteria?' Exiting her room and walking down the hallway. Soon she spotted a maid coming in the opposite direction.

Edinburgh: "Lady Yamato." Surprised to see her awake early. "Good Morning."

Yamato: "Ohayōgozaimasu Edinburgh." In her own language.  "Can you show me to the cafeteria or a place that serves breakfast?"

Edinburgh: "Of course." Very sure to lead her without any incident, hopefully.

Yamato and Edinburgh arrive at the cafeteria without any problems. Although Yamato's appearance caught everyone's attention, the single Sakura kitsune among Royal and Eagle Union girls. Yamato got a plate of eggs, hashbrowns, bacon, and toast along with a salad bowl.

Edinburgh: "Please enjoy your breakfast, I have somewhere I have to be."

Yamato: "Ok, take care." Edinburgh excused herself and left the building. Yamato took out her personal chopsticks and cut her eggs into bite-size pieces. She wasn't a stranger of Eagle Union's cuisine when visiting Eagle Union territory. "Itadakimasu" Taking the first bite.

Laffey: "Let's sit here." Said nearby.

Javelin: "Good morning, Yamato. May we sit here?"

Yamato: "Of course, I would love some company."

Javelin and Laffey settle down on the table. Laffey took a bite out of her breakfast burger, meanwhile Javelin was lost in thought.

Laffey: "You're not eating..?"

Javelin: "Ah." Snapped back into reality. "I will."

Yamato: "I can tell there's something on your mind. Can you share it with us? You can decline if you want."

Javelin: "Well..." Retold the experience of meeting Ayanami and the enemy fleet. How Laffey gave up fighting and she was busy helping others, before they retreated.

Yamato: "That is very brave of you." Looking at Laffey who finished half her meal. "If it weren't their sense of pride, you could've been gravely injured. Luckly that didn't happened and you two parted without damage. As for Ayanami, it best if you can lure her away from her group and talk to her."

Javelin: "But how?"

Yamato: "Who knows? The battlefield is an unpredictable place, you got to keep an open mind for an opportunity. Maybe you can create an opportunity by falsely engaging against her to a quiet place."

Javelin: "Will she listen?"

Yamato: "That will depend on you, Laffey, and the situation. But don't think too hard about it, just be yourself when the time comes, ok."

Javelin: "Alright, thank you."

Yamato: "Your welcome." Taking her last piece of hashbrown into her mouth.

Laffey finished her meal first and napped a bit, while Yamato and Javelin continued to eat. Later everyone finished their meals and left the cafeteria to start their day.

Javelin: "Do you have any plans today?"

Yamato: "Nothing much, I'm going to check on myself then later have look around of the shops and the rest of this base."

Laffey: "I know where the best sleeping spots are."

Yamato, Laffey, and Javelin walked down port towards the Sakura battleship. They ran into couple of familiar faces. A small crowd have come to see the majestic battleship for her appearance and size.

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