Another Battle, another ship

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A broadcast of Hornet's fleet engaged with the enemy fleet spread across the Azur Lane base. The majority of the Royal Fleet arrived at HQ, waiting for Wale's instructions.

Wales: "We have to go help Hornet and the others. Which ship is ready to move?" Quickly interrupted by the door opening.

Illustrious: "Wales! Enterprise and Cleveland have-"

Enterprise has already left to save her sister, along with Cleveland right behind. Soon followed by Javelin and Laffey.

(Everything else is the same as the anime with minor differences. A non-handicapped Enterprise defeats Zuikaku before Belfast arrives. Javelin is more conflicted about how to handle the situation before being surprised at Laffey's inaction. The enemy fleet retreats with an injured Zuikaku)

[Base port, after reinforcements, just left]

Yamato: "Off they go." As Javelin and Laffey left outside her radar range. 'I hope the enemy doesn't have a trick up their sleeve. Then again, Enterprise's grandmother is with them."

Illustrious: "You must be Yamato." Walking up to her, with a small girl behind her.

Yamato: "Indeed I am." Turning around to see a white-haired British shipgirl, "Who am I speaking to?"

Illustrious: "I'm HMS Illustrious, the lead ship of my class. This little one is Unicorn."

Yamato: "So you're one IJN Kaga tried to eat." She said out loud and Unicorn retreated to big sister's back. "Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet someone new. I'm JS Yamato Aegis, sole ship of my class."

Illustrious: "I heard from Wales on how you saved us, that you protected Unicorn." Unicorn peeked out, hearing that Yamato is her savior.

Yamato: "It's nothing really, I just happened to be in the perfect flanking position and the Sirens were too busy attacking the front to change tactics."

Illustrious: "Still, without your help, we might have lost more."

Yamato: "... Is there something you wanted from me, besides greeting?"

Illustrious: "Come on now." She hinted at Unicorn because she was conflicted about whether to come out.

Yamato: "She's a shy one, isn't she." Illustrious smiled in response. Yamato crouched down to close to Unicorn's level, "Well little one, come back later once you gained enough confidence to stand for yourself, ok." 

Unicorn: "Un.." She nodded.

Yamato: "Great." She stood back up. "It's best not to rush this kind of stuff." She hosted her parasol back up and started walking. "I'll see you later, there is still work to be done, bye~" Waving her hand.

[Hours Later, the sun is setting]

Hornet's group, the reinforcements, and Queen Elizabeth's Fleet all arrived back at base. The majority of the battle damage has been cleaned up, and a line of ships waiting for a full repair.

Hornet: "Is that a new battleship!? Look at its size!" Seeing the large Sakura battleship.

Arizona: "It's very impressive."

Helena: "Report (Wales) says that she's one who defended this base."

Northampton: "But why does she bare the Sakura emblem?"

A small discussion went on about the Sakura battleship but ended to wait for a full explanation from Wales and meeting the new girl in person.

Javelin and Laffey arrived on shore, with Laffey once again too sleepy to walk. Javelin had to partially carry Laffey to the dormitory, giving the rest they needed.

Queen Elizabeth's group headed to HQ, where the Prince of Wales was waiting. Giving an accurate summary of what happened today. The Sakura Empire had the ability to control mass-produced Sirens and declare war on them as Crimson Axis. A future Sakura Battleship saving them in a time of need. The amount of damage the base received along with injured allies.

Yamato was sitting on the bench, watching the last bit of daylight. Wondering everything that has happened today.

Yamato: 'Is this what JS Mirai felt?' All alone in a World War Two setting. 'There aren't any consequences to her timeline to worry about.' More of an alternate history where Sirens existed and the genocide of the human race. 'The SMSDF would be searching for me with no luck.' The problem with isekai is that no one could find anyone who suddenly disappeared.

???: "-dy ya- to" A soft voice could be heard. "Lady Yamato." A clearer voice snapped Yamato out of her thoughts.

Yamato: "Ah-, yes?" Turning to see a maid with glasses from the Royal Navy.

Edinburgh: "Lady Wales has assigned a room for you to stay in."

Yamato: "I see, then let's get going." Following the maid to her new room. "I still haven't learned your name yet."

Edinburgh: "Ah-! Y-yes." 'I forgot.' "I'm HMS Edinburgh of the Town-class Light Cruiser, I'll be serving you today." Following the standard Maid Greeting procedure.

Yamato: "I never had a maid serve me before, but it's a pleasure to have you Edinburgh."

Edinburgh: "a- same." 'She is quite nice.' Failing to notice a misplaced brick, sticking out of the ground as she trips. "Whaa-!" Face down on the ground and glasses fell out.

Yamato: "Are you alright!?" Quickly checking up with her.

Edinburgh: "I-I'm fine." Getting up with dust from the ground clinging to her front uniform. 'Such misfortune, I have to get cleaned up before seeing Belfast again' "My glasses?"

Yamato: "Here." Passing the glasses to her. "Let me help you get rid of some of the dust."  Patting away the loose dust of her maid dress.

Edinburgh: "Thank you." 'How embarrassing' Recovering from her fall and continue to lead Yamato to the dormitory. Without further incident, the two arrived at the room.

Yamato: "This is quite a simple room." A rectangular room with a bed, closet, drawer, window with a curtain, table, and chair.

 Edinburgh: "Well this is the base standard for new attendants, you can decorate it however you want later on. You can visit the shops tomorrow, maybe you'll find something you like to decorate your room with."

Yamato: "Good to know." Giving a small yawn, "It has been a long day for me."

Edinburgh: "Of course, rest well lady Yamato. Call me if you're missing anything."

Yamato: "I will, thank you." Watched her maid walking down the hallway, then closing the door. "I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me." Undressing and putting on her pajamas. 

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