Recovery and explanation

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Furthermore, before Cleveland or Wales could ask, Yamato also wanted a clear explanation of everything that just occurred.

What are those dark ships?
The current status between Sakura Empire and Eagle Union?
Why the Royal Navy are here in Pearl Harbour?
The history of this world?

Yamato: "History is different, yet similar in my records." 

Cleveland: "What do you mean?"

Yamato: "There was no such thing as Sirens in my world. The Sakura Empire attacked Eagle Union starting a war between them."

Cleveland: "Why!?"

Yamato: "For many different reasons, but I doubt all of them apply here with the existence of Sirens."

Wales: "How did it end?" 

Yamato: "My Sakura's history doesn't mean the fate of this world." Taking the last sip of her tea, "If you have to know, the Eagle Union destroyed the Empire."

Cleveland: "We are the best after all." Proud of Alter Union

Yamato: "It's not something to be proud of." She said quietly, Wales caught her sadness for a moment.

Yamato's radar soon picked up an incoming ship heading toward the base.

"It seems we have someone arriving soon." Yamato looked beyond the sea.

Cleveland: "Could it be Enterprise?" Quickly got up, but quickly fell. "My legs!" Holding her numb legs.

Yamato: "Oh, I forgot this Eagle Union has zero practice in Sakura culture." Looks at Wales, "Are you alright?"

Wales: "I'm fine." Very slowly standing up, holding in the numbness and pain.

Yamato: "I'll go get a chair, excuse me."

Cleveland and the Prince of Wales recovered and returned to base, where everyone was busy putting out the last of the flames and retrieving knocked-out shipgirls. Battleship Yamato Aegis gained a few stares, as it entered the port.

"Might as well start cleaning up." Taking out a broom and sweeping the shells on her deck.


Illustrious: "Wales" Calling out to her. "I suppose things went well." Seeing the new battleship came with them, now sitting at the port.

Wales: "For now. From what I understood, she's a Sakura battleship from another world."

Illustrious: "I see. Almost everyone is accounted for, and repairs will begin soon."


USS Enterprise entered visual range of the base, coming in at full speed.

Enterprise: 'Please don't tell me I'm too late.' Passing by the Siren corpse and seeing the leftover damage.

Cleveland: "Enterprise!" Waving at her.

Enterprise: "What's going on here, where's the enemy?"

Cleveland: "We managed to kick them back, thanks to her help." 

Enterprise: "Who?"


Yamato: "That's the last of it." Packing up the final shell case in a crate. 'I wonder if I can help out?' Watching the little yellow birds running around doing ship repairs. 'Then again, I know nothing of repairing WW2 ships aside from myself. Maybe I should take a stroll.'

Grabbing her parasol and hopped off onto port

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Grabbing her parasol and hopped off onto port. There wasn't anything within her radar range, so it would be a good time to explore this world of Pearl Harbor.

[Near the coast green hills]

Yamato: 'What a lovely view' as the gentle breeze went by. 'Who would've thought I would be caught in a Zipang-like novel' Soon she heard someone coming. 'Experiencing what JDS Mirai had felt.'

Javelin: "Laffey, we're almost there."

Laffey: "Sleepy" Slowing down her pace.

Soon the two girls spotted the pink lovely kitsune near their picnic spot.

Yamato: "Hello you two, here for the view?"

Javelin: "Uhm..." Not excepting a Sakura shipgirl after that battle.

Yamato: "Oh, I'm sorry." Noticing the British bluehead's worry, "My name is Yamato. How are you young ladies fairing today?"

Laffey: "Tired."

Yamato: "After that battle, everyone sure is exhausted."

Javelin: "M-my name is Javelin, and this is Laffey." Her head shifted to Laffey.

Yamato: "Nice to meet you Javelin, Laffey." Then she observed their current equipment. "Am I occupying your picnic spot?"

Javelin: "Wha- No no no, feel free to join us." She said before realizing what she was told.

Javelin laid down the blanket on the grass. Everyone took off their shoes and sat down, facing the calm sea.

Javelin: "So um- Yamato, what are you doing here?" First to break the silence.

Yamato: "I just happened to stumble upon during my walk, after the Sirens were destroyed."

Javelin: Recalling that recent battle, sparks a question. "Do you happen to know her?" Yamato tilted her head in question.

Laffey: "Hmm? Oh, that girl, Ayanami."

Yamato: "IJN Ayanami, the Fubuki-class Type-ll or also known as the Ayanami-class. Was she that lone destroyer of the invading force?"

Javelin: "You don't know?" Considering she knows Ayanami's ship class.

Yamato: "I know every ship profile of the Sakura Empire, but I have never met them personally. You can say I'm a bit of a historian." 

Javelin: "..." A bit sad she couldn't get any information on Ayanami's personality.

Yamato: "What's wrong?"

Javelin: "Do we have to fight her?" Thinking once again of meeting Ayanami on the battlefield soon.

Yamato: "... What do you think of Ayanami?"

Javelin: "I umm..."

Laffey: "Becoming friends with her." 

Yamato: "Making friends with someone who attacked you? You girls have a big heart." She smiled at their innocence.

Javelin: "I don't wish to fight her."

Yamato: "The path of friendship is not easy; you will have to fight for it."

Javelin: "Then-" Her lips were stopped by Yamato's finger.

Yamato: "I wasn't finished. There's a saying in one of the martial arts, learn how to fight without fighting."

Javelin: "To fight without fighting..."

Yamato: "I'll be looking forward to the day when you'll become friends with Ayanami."

Laffey in the meantime has slept somewhere around the middle of the conversation. Using Yamato's fluffy tails as a pillow.

Laffey: "Fluffy~ zzz" Embracing the softness.

Yamato: "Using my tails as your pillow without permission is considered rude"

Javelin: "I'm sorry about her, she tends to sleep whenever she can." Recalling Laffey's previous sleepiness causing her trouble.

Yamato: "It's fine." Head pats the sleeping destroyer, "You two got the same goal, I wish you luck with Ayanami."

The wind blows and an eagle soars the sky. In the far distance, the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood ships are planning their next move.

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