The meet

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"Alex I can't take it anymore. I have to tell you something" Piper walked into Alex's bedroom and stood with her arms crossed.

"Uh oh is this the part where you're going to tell me that we're breaking up? I have to tell you that i disagree." Alex joked while continuing to be on her phone.

"No smartass but I will if you don't pay attention to me." Finally getting the brunette to put down her phone.

"Yes I'm all ears."

"My mom called. She wants to meet up with me, and I know what her intentions are because the only time she sets up a meeting is when she finds a suitable candidate for me to get married to." Piper says moving to sit down beside Alex while nervously playing with her fingers.

"So your mom doesn't know that you're gay?" Alex moves closer to Piper and wraps her arms around the blonde's shoulder.

"I came out to them when I was seventeen but it's not going to stop her from finding me a rich husband. She refuses to believe that I am never going to be attracted to men no matter how many times I try to explain to her, my dad tried too. At least he's supportive of me." Piper sighs in defeat and leans her head on the brunette's shoulder, cuddling into her.

"I think that you need your dad's help with this. How about you tell him that you're seeing someone and ask him to have a talk with your mom?" Alex suggests while looking at Piper.

"You want me to tell my dad that I'm dating you? Are you sure? I know this is new and I don't want to push you into doing things you're not comfortable with."

"I assure you that I'm okay with it Pipes. I can handle it. I don't want you to be worried all the time about this and it's better if we deal with it now than later." Alex said while caressing Piper's cheeks to calm the other woman down.

"Have I told you that you're amazing?"

"Only once or twice but it doesn't hurt to hear it again" Alex grinned, leaning in to plant a kiss on the blonde's lips.

A week later..

"Are you ready babe?" Alex asks Piper while rubbing her arms. They were standing outside a cafe where Piper and her dad agreed to meet up.

"Yes, let's do this shit." Piper said, hyping herself up while jumping up and down like a boxer warming  up.

They walked in the cafe and scanned the whole room, looking for Piper's father, a man wearing casually stood up and called out to Piper while waving his hand.

"Piper! Over here!"

Piper took a deep breath and started walking towards her dad.

"Hi dad. I missed you so much." Piper said while leaning into her dad's hug. Him giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"I miss you too sweetheart. You look so different, much happier, and i believe this young woman is the cause of it?" Piper's dad said while giving Alex a warm smile.

"Dad, this is Alex Vause, my girlfriend"

"Hi sir, it is very nice to meet you." Alex greeted the man, offering a handshake.

Piper's dad instead went in for a big hug, catching Alex off guard. Piper trying her best to hold into her laughter at Alex's wide eyed reaction, clearly not used to this kind of affection.

"Piper I must say, you know how to pick em' sweetie." making Alex blush at his compliment.

"Of course I do." Piper looking smug gives Alex a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you Mr Chapman, I can see where Piper gets her charm from."

"Oh, no Mr Chapman nonsense, call me Bill. You earned it since you made Piper unable to stop gushing about you on the phone."

"Dad! That's a secret!" "I'm sorry sweetie I'm just telling the truth." Bill gave Piper a cheeky smile.

"Oh did she? What else did she say about me?" Alex raised her eyebrow while smirking at Piper.

"Dad.." Piper warned her father raising her eyebrows and failing to look intimidating.

"Fine I will keep my lips sealed, until you aren't here."

"That's not what I asked for but fine." Piper huffed and Alex giggled while rubbing Piper's arm.

"So we all know why we're meeting here today." Bill got straight to the point.

"Yeah dad, i'm so sorry for making you come all the way out here but i had no other choice."

"Sweetie, nothing is too troublesome when it comes to you." Bill reassured Piper.

"So, mom called me."

"I am aware, i overheard her conversation with you and anyone who knows her knows her intentions."

" I don't know how to do this dad.." Piper sighed, leaning into Alex for comfort.

" I know just what to do dear, I can't promise that it will work but i'll see what i can do."

"What are you planning dad?"

"I'm just going to drop the bomb that you're seeing someone, a lady someone and that she needs to respect your decisions and support you as your mother. Just like what I am doing now, supporting and loving my daughter unconditionally." Piper's dad said while squeezing her hand.

"I just hope she makes the effort to actually understand rather than pushing it away like she always does."

"I will try my best dear." Bill reassured Piper, making her tear up.

"Okay so heavy stuff out of the way, It's only fair what i ask, Alex what are your intentions with my daughter?" Bill asks the raven haired woman.

"Dad! Totally unnecessary."

"It's okay Pipes." Alex kept her arm around Piper and sat up.

"My intention is to get to know Piper, her secrets, her good and her bad, and embrace them just like how she does to me. She get's me excited to wake up everyday knowing that i get to talk to her before she goes to work, or when she comes back from work. Or when we spend time together doing the most random boring things, but those boring things are the most fun when i'm with her. So i'm going to say that i want to have fun doing boring things with Piper as long as she'll have me."

"Wow, she knows her stuff. But now there's two boring nerds in my life."


Don't underestimate me baby.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon