Universe's Plan Pt. 1

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"Leilani Chambers"

I looked up from my book to see which advisor called me. When I saw Mrs. Thompson signaling me to come to her office I got up and headed towards her.

I smiled politely following her into her office.

"So how's everything?" She asked sitting down behind her desk making small talk.

"You know. Same ol, school, work, then home." I replied as she reached across her desk signing papers and organizing them as she put them into small stacks around her desk. She leaned down into a box she had at her feet in search for my cap and gown.

"Got it." She said as she placed them on her lap and reached over to the page pointing to my name so I can sign it. "Initial here please."

She looked at me and gave me a light giggle.

"Live a little Leilani. You and Chantelle should go out this weekend, I mean you both are graduating."

Mrs. Thompson along with several other staff members have become more friends and family than just teachers throughout these past four years.Lets just say my high school years aren't going to be missed.

My classmates either didn't talk to me because they thought I was weird, stuck up, crazy, a teachers pet or whatever other reasons they came up with in their heads solely not to befriend me, which was completely okay with me because I was cut from a completely different fabric then the majority of my high school population.

Chantelle was Dr. Paterson's daughter and she was my only friend besides my foster siblings, well most of them.

Since Mrs. Thompson was my guidance counselor and advisor I told her just about everything.

My high school years basically sucked, there's no reason to celebrate considering the hell I've went through these past four years. I'm more than delighted to get it over with.

Graduating top of my class is a celebration and honor as is. No additional celebration intended.

It's funny because I was a cheerleader for the first three years of high school and I the quietest cheerleader on the squad. Only reason I was on the squad was because my toe touches were A1 and I was a flyer.

I was not cool enough for the cool squad, wasn't social enough for the socialites, wasn't regular enough for the norms, and I wasn't geeky enough for the geeks even with a GPA of 4.2 and an I.Q score of 170.

I didn't fit in anywhere, I was just odd. However, it felt good to be different. I didn't need to gain acceptance from anyone.

Chantelle went to another school so I was pretty much alone most of the time if I wasn't talking to teachers or in the library reading a book.

When I transferred to this school I didn't know anyone. Everyone knew me because of my foster brothers Deon and Keon. But personally I didn't know anyone.

I didn't care for friends either. I had all the friends I needed in my books. The stories I read and write played a role more than a friend could ever.

I'm not going to get into that though, that's another story for another day.

After chatting it up with Mrs. Thompson for another 15 minutes I took my cap and gown and headed to work.

I walked to the bus stop hugging my cap and gown in hand and waited for another five minutes for the city bus.

Words couldn't express how happy I was to finally be graduating. "It's really happening, I'm finally graduating." I whispered to myself as I grinned while doing a little happy dance to myself at the bus stop.

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