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(I literally feel like this is how the Narrator and Stanley acted a couple of years before Ultra Deluxe, but after the game was released)

"Stanley was a huge faggot.

Everytime he went through the right door he was sucking dick.

Everytime he went through the left the door he was being bent over the boss's desk.

No matter what he did he, no matter what choice he made, was always faggot."

[Real mature, Narry] Stanley rolled his eyes as he stayed in his office.

"Oh and whenever he stayed in his office he jacked off to gay bdsm porn"

[..Youre jealous arent you~]

"Not that I was watching Stanley as he jerked off. No! That would be unprofessional!"

[Yeahhhh sureee]

"It's also not like I helped him with his urges. That would be gay."

[I bet you're real happy helping lil old me]

"And I totally didn't make a physical form just for Stanley, no! That would stray away from my story!"

Stanley was silently laughing now, he loved when the Narrator would stray from the story and say things like this.

"It's not like we got a noise complaint from TimeKeeper once! No! That would be M rated for a family friendly game!"

Stanley smiled as he climbed onto his desk and sat down, waiting for more dialog.

"And not to mention Stanley would never get tied up by me! Nor would I tie him up! That's for people who like drugs and hookers! Sure, Stanley likes those things but he does that with other people, not me"

[Me with the Adventure Line™️]

"Stanley was just overall the concept of gay, infact I think he once came out on RuPaul's DragRace"

[Yeah, my name was Hoocer]

"It's also not like I feed into Stanley's drug obsessed mind, I totally don't give him Heroin or Cocaine."

[They're in my drawer, I can pull them out]

"Stanley did not need to prove to anyone that he was a gay drug obsessed stripper"

[And pornstar]

"Of course, and he was on pornstar under the name 'I swallow"

[I swallow everything unironically and ironically, I'm very complex]

"And Stanley was very obedient when it came to certain orders, like bending over or going faster"

[I'll go faster any day]

"Liar, Stanley was a liar"

[It's true!]

"Last time you said slow down!"


"Whatever, whatever!"

[Whatever I do what I want!]

"I will fucking nuke you again if you don't shut up"

[My hands are silenced]

"Anyways....This is the story of a man named Stanley, Stanley worked.."

~The Stanley Parable~ !Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now