Chapter 3~ Powers

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The next night we returned to the Notes Headquarters. Instead of last nights meeting in the main room, every one seemed to be scattered through different rooms in the hallway.

Peeking through the glass doors, we could see Whitney Keen busily typing on the latest Apple computer. In the next room Allen, his mother, and Naomi were... meditating? Weird. I really hope we don't have to do that. Across the hall, Mr. Willman was intensly consentrating on a violin. He appeared to be adding strings.

A sudden noise interupted my train of thought. Beautiful sounds drifted graceful and delicately down the hall, settling into my ear. If I closed my eyes, I could picture myself on a beach, dipping my bare toes into the slow moving waves. Singing. Dancing. Laughing. This was the first time I had expirienced the true power of music and what it could do to your head.

Following the amazing disruption to the end of the hallway, we found Mitch sitting on a hammock that wasn't there the day before. He turned around.

"Spanish guitar." He mused. "Lovely, isn't it?"

I was still speachless. My sister, on the other hand, was not.

"Very lovely. Very, very lovely. Are we gonna learn that today?", Harmony said excitedly. "Even better, what Allen was doing...", She added at a whisper, just for my ears.

"No.", Mitch said wearing an amused grin. "Today you two will be studing with Mr. Willman."

"Oh.", I spoke softly, my eyes looking downward, "Should we go, then?"

'That would be... lovely."


After walking back down the hallway and hesitating at Mr. Willman's door, we finally entered a wide, rectangular room. Our instructor was standing in front of a huge display case, filled with instruments and awards. Beside that was a filing cabinet, each drawer labled with a different genre of music. The corners of the space were filled with music stands and chairs, while the middle of the room was bare. The walls were perfectly white, one covered with newspaper clippings.

"Um, hello.. Mr. Willman?" Harmony said with a lot less confidence then usual.

"Why hello girls. Are you ready for your first lesson?" Barely looking, he added, "Trust me, this will be fun."

We stepped into the middle of the room as Mr. Willman turned to face us, explaining our new music class.

"By now, you must have realized that you were hand-picked for the Notes based on your advanced musical talents. The unqiue talent you both posess gives you... certain abilities.. that this class will enhance. I will help you to control your newly found ability and put it to good use. The Notes are in great need of people like you girls."

Overcome with confusion, I struggled to find the right thing to say. "Wait. What? What do you mean.. abilities?"

"Superpowers?!" Harmony's eye's widened as the word escaped her lips. She raised her hands, as if to examine them for a radio-active glow.

"One could say that..." Willman said, clearly fasinated by our potential. "You both have the three classic traits that all Notes have; Highly sensitive hearing, perfectly pitched voices, and my personall favorite, vibrato."

"Vibrato?" I asked, "You mean like, vibrating?"

"Yes and no. All music, sound itself, actually, is made up of sound vibrations traveling through the air, away from the source of the noise. Everything .from instruments and voices to clapping and footsteps , rely only on these sound vibrations. If focused, a Note will be able to project enough forceful vibrations from their hands to unbalence an enemy. Masters of this technique are able to produce a shockwave from their core that will go out in all directions, much like a miniscule earthquake."

"Woah." We spoke simultainiously, our minds both thinking a billion different thoughts.

"Shall we try now?"

The three of us continued into the only empty corner of the space.

"Harmony, you first." Willman said, eager to see us in action.

"Uh. What do I do, exactly?"

"Make a triangle with your thumbs and forefingers then extend you hands, focusing all your energy on that music stand over there. It's as if you're drawing in all of the potential energy in air around you, and then forcing in out through your hands. Focus, or else this won't work."

The event that followed was..insane. It was like Harmony was a magnet. I could almost see the energy she produced. I watched it flow, as if in slow motion towards the target. Then the music stand, instead of simply falling down, was blown back thirty feet, knocking down the newspapers and ultimatly denting the wall.

And I couldn't wait to try.

When it was my turn, I put my hands into position and began. The power of the energy I summoned was electric. I could feel it's tingliness spreading throughout my body, then gathering in my fingertips. I nearly giggled with shear happiness but reminded myself to focus. As the energy grew stronger, I released it in a single stream of vibrating sound waves, copying Harmony's end result.

"That was...awesome!" I exclaimed, finally releasing my delightful giggle-fit.

"I'm very glad you girls are amused." Willman chuckled. "But there's still more."

"Really!? More!?" Harmony squealed. She was ridiculously excited. But then again, so was I...

Mr. Willman just smiled. "Yes. You were chosen as the Eighth Notes because you have a certain power none of the others have."

"What is it?" I asked with my voice full of enticipation.

"That's the problem. We don't know. In fact, we only know that you each have a different ability then the other. And Mitch needs me to find out what your strengths are, so we can use them to defeat the Organization. Girls, your Specialties are our one and only hope."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2011 ⏰

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