Chapter 2~ The Mission

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At this point, my sister and I were scared out of our socks. We nervously agree to meet our favorite teacher in his basement and when we get there a bald guy starts lecturing us about crazy groups of people trying to control the universe.

Of course, I heard very little due to the fact I was melting over Allen's hottness. His super sharp eyes and bad-boy-I-don't-give-a-flying-penguin attitude kept dripping into every thought in my head. Now what kind of an advarage teenager would I be if I resisted his general cuteness? The bad kind. Definatly the bad kind. I guess Mel will fill me in later...

Then, I snapped out of it when she raised her voice out of its usual mousey squeek, trying to make herself more confident. Poor Mel...

"What is that supposed to mean?" Melody said

"That means.." Mitch said with a menacing smile. "...that you are going to be the Notes secret weapon. You will discover so much more about yourselves after completing our little program.We plan on training you both to be the best we've ever trained. You'll be very surprised at what we will accomplish together. But we're running out of time. This training will require intense focus and hard work. We must start as soon as we can. In fact, follow me."

We swirled around to see where he was facing. There was a long, narrow hallway with a dozen doors behind us. The walls were painted a blinding white and the automatic doors looked like someting straight out of a lame Star Wars movie.

"Wow. I can not believe we missed that when we came in." I whispered sarcastically to Mel. She just rolled her eyes and followed Mitch to the last door on the left. I still can't believe how cool she was about the whole deal. Because I, well lets just say I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to join a secret society of wack job musicians at the age of 15.

The room we went into was small and a little comforting within all of this maddness. The dark wooded table and chairs took up most of the space while portraits of old guys (I'm guessing they were famous musicians) covered an entire mustard-yellow wall. We all took our seats, Melody across from me and our newly found "leader" at the head of the oval shaped table.

"Let me explain in greater detail. You two will probably take this better in private as well." Mitch spoke very seriously. "The Organization, our rivals, are rising. Their leader will stop at nothing to win at everything. If they suceed in their latest attempt at continental control, creativity itself will be destroyed. They believe that to successfully rule, their people's minds cannot be cluttered with unessesary matter, such as art and music. So, they will destroy it. Musicians go to jail. Artist banned from their homes. The Oraganization will go as far as murder if needed. As for those who survive? Everyone left after the Takeover will be turned into simple government workers. From age ten, all school children will begin to specialize in a certain career area, chosen for them by none other than government. Our rivals are bigger, stronger, and more prepared then us. But the world counts on us to beat the odds."

"Woah." Mel and I whispered simultaniously.

"That's bad." I said a little bit louder.

"Oh, yeah." She agreed.

At this point, I was a little panicky. What if I couldn't do this? What if they thought I was a joke? What if Mel turns out better than me? Worst of all; What if Allen doesn't even look at me? The different outcomes kept rolling around inside me, each one a little more horrible than the last.

Mitch continued. "The Notes have to stop them. If we don't, no one will. Right now, our team is weak. We needed an eighth member to lead us to victory. Yet, our recruiter, Monroe, got us two. The exact two we needed. After you discover where you fit in, we will team up and leave."

I thought about that. This is all being thrown in my face like fast-pitch baseballs. There's a good chance I'll explode into a firey meltdown before this is over. So I guess I should start with some simple questions. "Where will we go?"

"We don't know. The Org has a top-secret military inspired base, somewhere out West. We aren't sure of there exact location or even there exact numbers. What we do know is that if we fail to find them, they'll find us. But we have a plan... sort of. After we get the inside information from a few secret sources, we will continue Operation: Organization."

Pretty creative for the leader of the Notes, preservers of the world's creativity. I laughed out loud at my inside joke. Mitch and Mel both gave a hilarious look, naturally making me laugh louder.

"This isn't funny." Mitch said. Although he always seemed slightly amused...

"You two can go home now. I can see your confused. Collect your thoughts. Come back tommorrow. Mr. Willman is the next step."

I barely remembered him from the meeting in the main room. He didn't quite look like the type to be found at a beach party. Or a rock concert. Or anywhere outside of his home and workplace. This unfun factor would definatly make this expirence a total blast. Or not.

"Next step?" Mel asked, breaking her silence. She made a good point, though. I need to know what I'm doing before I agree to any "program"

"Go home girls. You'll learn more tommorrow."

Mitch left and didn't look back. We went back into the hallway and saw that no one was at the table. Everyone just disappeared. Mr. Monroe wasn't even upstairs. Which I found strange considering this was his house...

After a long walk home in complete quiet, we walked into our shared bedroom.

My side of the room was decorated in hot pink and orange with posters of my favorite Hollywood hunks. Clothes and copies of Teen Vogue littered the floor. On Melody's side, the walls faded to purple. Her desk was organized, placed under a giant calendar. Her floor was spotless. She even had a shaggy rug. But the one thing we shared was the uber expensive sound system we got for our birthday. Our love for music went far past musicals and show choir.

"What do we do now?" Melody spoke softly in the dark. her squeeky, totally unconfident voice returning.

"I have no idea. But I'm going back tommorrow." This was true. I kinda felt a weird responsibility to the group. Plus, if never saw Allen again, I would die. Figuratively, of course.

"Is that really a good idea?" Her mouse squeal was full of concern.

"Of course. We get to be with Allen Black!" That was definatly the best part of this whole deal.

We giggled, disscussing his dreamy eyes for just a minute.

"But seriously," I said "We can't let them down."

"I think you mean we can't let Allen down."

I giggled my self to sleep.


Hey readers! First, sorry bout the shortness. I'm just going with short little blimps of idea.

Second, Comment. Please. IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Third, if your still hungry for sum reading material, check out First Bloom and Siren's Song by April-13

***May 16th*** I added some more detail to this one, let me know what you think. I really want there to be a huge difference between Harmony and Melody's point of view. Har is more ignorant , confident and takes things with a bit of sarcasm while Mel is bookish, shy, and more serious.

Thx yooz! Luv, Topaz96

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