Chapter 7

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Mykayla's POV

Ryan couldn't stop texting me. Every time my phone rang, a new tear slipped out. I was filled with regret. Maybe talking to Evan wasn't such a bad idea, but I wasn't gonna date a guy right after my breakup.

I sighed. I was alone on a Friday night. Mia was getting ready for a date, while I was stuck eating ice cream, and watching movies. It's funny how I used to sneak out for a party, and now I'm staying home alone. It's like if.......Mia and I traded places.

Insane. But it looked like it was true. At least I saved myself from any trouble that could've came.

I was lost in thought until my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, so I answered. ''Hello?'' I said.

''Mykayla? This is Evan.'' Oh what a relief. I was about to hang up; thinking it was Ryan through someone else's phone.

''Hi, Evan-'' He cut me off before I could even ask him anything.

''I-I just wanna apologize for k-kissing you in the janitor's closet.'' Woah, what? He's such a gentleman! No one has ever been this nice to me!

''I know it sounds awkward, but why did you kiss me?'' I asked.

''Well, I know it sounds stupid, but I was dared to do it. I had to kiss the first girl that came into the janitor's closet.''

I chuckled. ''Well, at least that explains why you were there in the first place.''

''Yeah, well, I'm really sorry, and I hope you forgive me. It was rude from me to be disrespectful, and I shouldn't have done that. Especially because I know that you belong to Ryan.''

I gulped. ''Ryan. Well......umm......I'm not really dating him anymore...''

''Well that sucks. You know, we should hang out sometime.''

''We should, I mean, I've known you since forever, and there's no reason for us to be awkward.''

''So, I take that as forgiven?''


''Listen, I gotta go. Call you later?''




I couldn't believe it. I was getting reunited with my best friend! I'm so glad we are getting close again. I really missed hanging out with Evan. The only thing that drove me away from that thought was Ryan. Now, I feel like I have time for my friends, and my beloved sister.

Mia's POV

I was soooo nervous. Liam was one of the cutest guys I've known, and he was so nice! How did I even get a date with him?

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