Chapter 2

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Mia's POV
I entered the doors and everyone was staring at us. Being my usual shy self, I blushed a little, and avoided eye contact. Mykayla walked with her head held high.

Then, a guy with green eyes and brown wavy hair came up to us. I recognized him. He was Ryan Sanders. Part of the group of kids my parents warned us about. I felt uncomfortable with him there, so I went to my locker. Knowing Mykayla, she must've done the same.

I got my stuff, and started leaving for class.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone, and hit my forehead with theirs.

"Hey! Watch where you're-"

He got cut off when his eyes met mine. I looked straight into two gorgeous brown eyes and a boy with wavy brown hair.He seemed familiar to me. He smirked, and looked like he was eyeing me up an d down.

"Ah, you're new here." He stepped closer, and rubbed my forehead. "Sorry I didn't see you there cutie." He winked, and said "well, well looks like you're going to have a spontaneous year, and a tip from me is to try not to fall for me. Aiden Watson, by the way."

Too much pride. I hated guys that did that. I glared at him for a little, and gave him a look.That's when it clicked. He was from the group of guys that my parents want to keep me away from.

"What, you're not going to tell me you're name?" He said smirking again, and giving me flirty looks.

I was annoyed with this guy already. I was going to make his pride disappear. "Listen, I see what you're trying to do here, and it's not working. Flirting with me is not getting you anywhere, and I'm wasting my time. I already got you figured out. You're a player, and you wanna make me your next victim. So, thanks, but no thanks."

I spun around to leave, but a second later, a hand grabbed my arm, and he spun me to his chest. Being close to him gave me shivers. What was wrong with me? I just stood up to this guy.

"Awe that's sad.You don't know me, and you labeled me. That's pretty bad for a newbie. Also,feisty, huh? I like it." He said. He let go of me, but basically slammed me to the locker and left his arm on the locker. "See you later, Dimples." He whispered in my ear. Then, said "Dimples is due to the fact I don't know your name and you obviously have dimples on cheeks." He poked one of my dimples.

Well that was going to stick. I actually liked having dimples, because Mykayla didn't have them and it made me feel different and unique from her. For some reason it gave me shivers when Aiden talked about my dimples and when he poked them.

I was glad he left. He was annoying, and gave me the creeps. Yet, my mind went to him. I rushed to class and sat at the back to avoid being seen.

Apparently, it was a good choice, because I immediately made three friends. I met Aly who had long dark brown hair and green eyes. Next, I met Jenna, who had auburn hair and brown eyes. Last, but not least, I met Danielle, who had light brown curly hair and sky blue eyes.

These girls were so nice and shy, like me. I wasn't really sure that Aly liked me, but I stuck to them all day.

During lunch, I decided to look for Mykayla and introduce her to my new friends.

I went straight to Mykayla's locker, and the sight before me was shocking. Mykayla. Making out. With a boy. Ryan Sanders.

I know Mykayla better than myself, and I know she is not a slut.

"Ah-hem" I said.

Mykayla turned around, and stared at me with a panicked look.


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