🐭{Chapter 11: Time To Go!}🐭

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. . .
All the rats rushed out of their homes, what was that loud bang?!
They waited. . .
Some jumped, screamed or ran as a hole break through the attic floor or ceiling!
Owen looked down, seeing an unfamiliar man waving around a gun, shouting at someone or people.
"Uh. . ."
"Is that the husband. . ."
"Can't be, Kristen's husband has blonde hair."
So who is that?"
The rats all peaked down from the hole, then the man looked up and saw the rats.
. . .
Then he aimed the gun up, Owen's brain jumped to action,"RUN!!!", the rats took off screaming as the gun went off again, again and agian, making holes in the attic floor and they could Kristen trying to yell over the gun fire, trying to get him to stop at once!


The Rats Got Separated

Jimmy, Scott, Martyn and Lizzy all ran to the window, the husband took off after the others that had ran deeper into the house.
They got out through the house with ease, the snow catching their falls as they ran from the house.
"Wait! The others!"
"Scott, there's a man wielding a gun!"
Martyn however nods,"He's right, we have to help the others!", so Lizzie and Jimmy stayed outside as to help others that did get out and needed help with injuries.


The Butler grabbed a table, running to Kristen to act as a shield,"Any idea, Kristen?!", Kristen looked around the library, she grabbed a book and pulled out a pistol that was hidden in a book, loading up the ammo and looked at the Butler,"Get the kids and staff out.", the Butler wasn't going to argue with his boss, so he nods and they broke off.
Kristen to hunt the mad man and Butler to get everyone out of the house as quickly as possible.


Owen ran with the group, they were running to avoid the bullets that were flying around the house that were trying to hit them!
Tick. . .
Tick. . .
Tick. . .
Tick. . .
It was getting louder!
Owen covered his ears, the Tick was getting louder and slower!
The group saw Martyn and Scott, waving down the hall,"WINDOW!", so they all ran down the hall, each of them getting out the window as the man gave chase!
The window shattered from the bullet, the glass landed on some of them and the gunshot was making their ears ring!
Luckily Martyn pulled Bek, Tubbo, Sniff and El outside as the bullets went off more and more!
But. . . Then a single shoot and it stopped.
Scott and Martyn looked back, seeing the man fall to the ground and at the end of the hall was Kristen holding a pistol.

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