🐭{Chapter 3: Peaceful Night}🐭

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Scott arrived at Martyn's, seeing Jimmy still at his side with Tubbo making soup in the kitchen for Martyn which surprised him,"Hey, how is he?", Jimmy sighed,"Well, we can confirm it's not a Fungus but some type of fever.", Tubbo nods,"I'm just stirring the pot for Lizzy as she had to do something.", Scott reached over, feeling Martyn's forehead,"He's still running a hot temperature.", Jimmy nods,"Maybe tomorrow we look for a thermometer.", Scott nods,"Might be in the bathroom, behind the mirror should be medical stuff like pills, hair stuff and hopefully a thermometer.", Scott sat down on the floor, Jimmy sat at the edge of Martyn's bed.
"How are you Scott?"
"I mean, you burned yourself when fell down the fireplace."
Yeah. . . The fireplace, definitely not burns from a different world.
"O-Oh, yeah! Much better, sure my legs are burned and scared but I can still walk.", Jimmy nods, Tubbo leaned over,"You sure I can't try Cooked Rat?", Scott sighed heavily and Jimmy just playfully shoved Tubbo away,"Shush you, unless you want burnt rat.", Scott chuckled as Tubbo got back to stirring the pot.
"Oh, and Scott? You seem to be wearing the scarf a lot more since we found the Fungus. . ."
Scott sighed,"Y-Yeah, I'm not being rude but when it comes to plants like those I go full on Germaphobia, after I lost my Aunts to that same plant I uh. . .", Jimmy didn't know that, Tubbo and him looked at them sadly but Scott turned to them,"But it was years ago, and. . . I try to prevent it from happening again.", Jimmy slipped onto the floor and polled Scott into a hug, Scott closed his eyes and leaned into Jimmy.
"Thanks Tubbo!"
"No problem Lizzy."
Lizzy took over the stove and Tubbo ran to get his sugar.


"How is it?"
Martyn smiled,"It's an amazing soup.", Lizzy smiled, Scott watched her leave and turned to Martyn and gave him a thumbs up,"Get better soon.", "Thanks mate. . . You go sleep.", Scott nods, and left Martyn to his soup.


Scott kneeled on his bed, sticking the star to wall as it was a gift from Sneeg and thankfully he didn't put two and two together.
He turned off the lamp and got under the planet and tried to sleep.
. . .
Scott shuddered, sitting up and saw blood drip from his face, getting up and to the kitchen and saw a small cut and Scott sighed.
Blasted arrow. . .
With that, Scott put on a new plaster and went back to bed and tried to sleep knowing Origin Scott would never sleep.


Owen wanted to keep it healthy, he poured water to water the mushroom. . .
They didn't know what it was, or it's name so it may be worth researching and keeping.
After all it is just one mushroom and it had this interesting smell.

🐭{Rat Smp: Deadly Infection}🐭Where stories live. Discover now