Chapter 3 - Fairy Godmother Gem

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"Now, Grian," His steplayers said as they walked through the doorway in their newly tailored clothing, "Make sure all of our chests are organized by the time we get back!" Grian sighed. "O-okay- He was cut off by his steplayer slamming the door, and leaving the house. Grian looked out the window, and he could see his steplayers riding away on their horses. Grian slumped down by the window sill, and put his head in his hands. His dream of becoming a professional builder was smashed into pieces. He sat lightly sobbing with his back against the wall. Then a bright beam of light blinded him in the eyes. Once he cleared his vision he could see a girl with bright orange hair, and a pair of shiny white wings. Grian wiped his tears away from his eyes, and looked up at the girl. "What are you, and why are you in my house?" Grian shouted at her, taking a cautious step back. "I am your fairy godmother!" She replied. "Fairy Godmother?" Grian said, "That's only something out of a children's fairy tale." Gem, the fairy godmother only smiled. "Well yes, I am." She replied. Grian looked at her with confusion. "But-" Gem rolled her eyes at him. "Do you want to go to the building competition or not?" She shouted. "Yes I do-"

"Then let's get on with it!" Gem waved her hand, and Grian suddenly had on a set of new clothes. He looked at his new red sweater and his black pants. Grian then took a look down at his feet. His torn old boots were replaced with shiny brown leather shoes. He took a glance at his arm, and he noticed the watch and golden bracelets that were placed on his wrists. Grian had never owned something this nice! "H-how did you..." He asked, still looking at the expensive jewelry on his wrist. "Oh," Said Gem, "Magic!" She smiled. Grian looked at her in awe. With another wave of her hand, Gem crafted a pair of elytra and rockets. She handed them over to Grian. "O-oh! What am I supposed to do with these?" He asked, turning them over in his hands. Gem once again smiled at the boy. "You will use these to get to the competition, of course!"

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