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after the off-setting conversation with junhui, minghao washed his own dishes and then excused himself, praying that the elder wouldn't do anything to him if he did venture out into the various locations of such a large estate.

feeling curiosity get the better of him, he decided it wouldn't hurt to explore the place, after all, it was the reason why he came in the first place.

he started with the dining room, which was now vacant-leaving minghao to question where the vampire had fled to.

cause he could've sworn the other being was there only a split moment earlier.

he wandered around the large room, checking out the old but not worn away walls, the paintings he particularly enjoyed viewing, and the heavy curtains that hung over what seemed like the only window in the room.

minghao walked over after noticing it, tearing his eyes away from a particularly entertaining painting. he touched the fabric of the huge curtain, the velvet soft under his touch, but also fairly solid of a material.

he tugged open the curtain, a sliver of sunlight falling through the gap.

he pulled the curtain on one side fully open, walking across the expanse of the floor as the sunlight streamed into the room.

minghao basked in the warming afternoon light, eyeing the scenery outside with a glint in his eyes.

it was a very pretty view, with the sun falling through the canopy of tree leaves, the light cascading down and filling the expanse in a pretty light orange glow. the browns and greens of the woods blended together perfectly, creating a harmonized disharmony. the colours and shades matched in a way that they usually didn't.

there weren't many animals nearby around this time, which minghao had noted from entering the forest the day before. sure, there would be an occasional bird chirp that would set off another one, but they would quiet just as quickly as they started.

perhaps, they too were aware of the vampire prince that lurked in the shadows.

feeling content, he would move onto the next room, which happened to be an abandoned library, or so he thought. he was actually surprised to not see a single speck of dust in sight, it was perhaps the lightest room he'd been in so far-due to the fact that you couldn't really see what book you'd be reading without a bit of sunlight.

what he found fascinating was the rows upon rows of shelves that consisted of multiple genres of novels. there were so many he thought it would take months, or even years to get through them all (which junhui did in fact do, he's currently in the process of his second attempt at reading them).

minghao wandered through the shelves, pulling out selective books with careful hands if the title looked interesting. some of the covers were beautifully designed, whether from older times or ones from more recent publications.

the adventurer turned around, moving to the next hallway of books. he walked past the books with barely a thought until a coloured book spine caught his attention.

the light pink fading into a baby blue with white lettering matched very well, in minghao's opinion at least, but more importantly the letters were in english.

'does junhui know english?' minghao thought to himself, leaving the thought in that one book before moving on.

funny enough, there were more books in korean than in chinese or another language here. and, to be honest, minghao wouldn't be surprised if the vampire could speak more than three languages.

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