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the moment minghao regained his bearings, warning signs went off in his mind.

his eyes snapped open, barely making out any shapes in the dark room he was in.

he remembered reaching the castle, struggling with the lock, opening the door and finally looking around the place he had stepped foot in.

minghao registered that he was lying down and the surface felt soft to the touch.

he sat up, a wave of vertigo hitting him the moment he tried to stand, causing minghao to fall back onto the soft surface.

faint footsteps came from out the door, minghao's head turning to around the place where he heard the sound.

minghao sat still, almost afraid of what he was supposed to expect. the residents of the village said the saying was just a myth, there was no way there was actually a vampire living there.


heck, if minghao died in this place his parents should receive double, no, triple the amount he was hired and paid for.

the door swung open effortlessly, a man standing in the doorway, looking at minghao with wary eyes, almost as if he was scared of passing through the doorway.

the two held eye contact for a couple seconds, the man standing being the one to break the awkward silence and the tense atmosphere that dawned in the darkened room.

"should.. should i turn on the lights?" the unnamed male asked minghao, the latter only giving a small nod before light slowly jumped to life in the room.

"you would think this place used candles and not electric lights." minghao said offhandedly, mostly to himself in a hushed tone and was most definitely not expecting a response. he took a good look around the now light room.

"trust me, i would think that too if i saw this for the first time."

minghao turned back to face the man, being able to study him carefully now.

this person had white blonde hair, his hair grown out slightly so it didn't just end at the back of his head, a ruffled white dress shirt, the mentioned ruffles having a slightly burnt edge to them, and two necklaces hanging between the collar, one pearl and one chain with a pendant.

rings decorated his fingers, a thin silver chain handpiece adorning the right, simplistic thin rings on the left.

"keep staring and i might lash out at you."

minghao flinched slightly, heat rising up his neck and reaching the tips of his ears at being found out. "s-sorry... you're just very stare material." he replied back, hiding his own embarrassment with his own remark.

this sentence proved no effect on the other.

"so- what's your name? i don't think we're acquainted." minghao cleared his throat and said, looking expectedly at the blonde.

"junhui, wen junhui. resident and owner of this castle."

minghao stared at the other man.



silence laid over the two like a heavy invisible blanket, minghao almost feeling like this force could easily suffocate him.

"are you-?"

"a vampire? i can't lie even if i wanted to, minghao-ssi."

minghao's attention perked immediately, staring at junhui dead in the eyes, eyebrows furrowed together. "how do you know my name?"

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