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I hope the information about our race today won't spread to much as it would surely bring a lot of unwanted attention.

Yu's POV:

Two more weeks have steadily drifted by, each day as uneventful as the last. I find myself residing in my unadorned dorm room, preparing to head to the classroom.

The rumors, inevitable as they were, had already begun to circulate through the corridors of the school. It seemed that everyone now knew about how a first year in class D almost broke the freestyle swimming record. I was aware that such whispers would spread like wildfire, given the nature of my actions. 

Interestingly, as the rumors reached their peak, I observed how people reacted to the news. While most probably deduced that it was indeed me behind the near-record-breaking feat, I was pleasantly surprised to find that many preferred to keep their distance. It seems most of them still fear me while some find no need to approach me. 

During this time, my interactions with two fellow students, Ayanokoji and Sudo, became more frequent. Although it is not consistent we still talk on a daily basis even if it is a few sentences. 

Today was different, though; it marked the day our class would face reality for the first time. It was the first day of May, and they would be eagerly anticipating their points. However, as I checked my phone, my expectations were confirmed: no additional private points had been added to my total. Our class is still far from surpassing the others. 

Nonetheless, dwelling on this matter was futile. I knew that with Ayanokoji's interference, our class members would develop in their own unique ways. Even if I weren't a part of Class D, they would have flourished under Kiyotaka's guidance. He is an individual capable of quick adaptation, a skill honed during his challenging childhood. 

Yet, as I mentioned before, it is inevitable that I'll have to interfere in class matters.

I quickly consumed the eggs I had prepared and hurried to class. As I made my way to the elevator, I caught sight of Ayanokoji.

"Good morning, Ayanokoji. How are you today?" I greeted.

"Good morning, Yu. I'm doing great, how about you?" he replied.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. By the way, did you receive any points today? I didn't, even though we were supposed to," I inquired.

"That makes two of us. I didn't get anything either. Maybe the teacher will address it today," Ayanokoji suggested.

I felt like he was subtly hinting that something might not be quite right and that it wasn't merely an error on their part.

"Hmm... You might be onto something. I believe our classmates will surely bring it up to the teacher," I mused.

As our conversation continued, we engaged in some light-hearted small talk. Ayanokoji shared with me his recent discovery of the taste of ice cream just a couple of days ago, emphasizing how he found it to be a genius invention. Despite it being weird that he actually told me that he hadn't tasted ice cream until now, I decided not to comment on it. Had I inquired, he might have explained that his strict parents had imposed limitations on his diet, forbidding him from indulging in whatever he desired – which is technically true.

We finally arrived at our destination and entered the classroom. As soon as we took our seats, I noticed the girl named Mito Ishioka, whom Ayanokoji had mentioned to me before, approaching him. Ayanokoji told me that she seemed strangely attached to him and wanted to spend time with him constantly. If she was indeed a transmigrated person like me, then she might be a bit naive, not fully grasping Ayanokoji's true nature. It appeared she believed she could change him, though the odds of that happening were slim. I mean, Kiyotaka does undergo some changes in the story, but it's a challenging task.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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