consternation *4

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Amos and I arrived at Buckingham to see many carriages and young debutants. We walked up the stairs and made our way into the throne room. Everyone crowds into the room awaiting the debutants. Myself and Amos made our way to the front. 

The room was decorated in my favorite flowers, Lilies. I was around impressed by how many people came to this. I look at the doors that hide all the women from the lurking eyes and down the aisle to see my mother reading the newest lady whistle down papers. 

servants came around with tray  filled with them. I see Amos from the corner of my eye take a paper. He's such a gossip. Mother peaked her eyes over the paper and winked at me. I shook my head smiling. 

 Across from me was Lady Bridgerton and her family. She was dirt from what I would say one of her sons faces. I was caught looking at her, she gave me an embarrassed smile and a small curtsy.

 Queen Charlotte clapped her hands and the guards men opened the doors. "Lady Annie May Halvard presented by her father Marquess Halvard".

Lady Ophelia Balletton was crowned as this season's diamond. Rightfully so, she was drop dead gorgeous. She had dark brown skin that glowed as the light hit her in all the right ways, her coily hair was in an up do with feathers neatly sitting behind her tiara of rubies. The white dress had a contrast against her skin. She had full lips, wide button nose, and a perfectly white smile. She looked like an angel.

After it was all over everyone was bustling out the hall, me and Amos were talking about the newest lady whistledown page and boy did she have something to say.

"Sophia, Lady Sophia". I turned around to see lady Bridgerton and her whole family. I stepped closer to Amos not feeling comfortable with being watched by so many eyes. "Lady Bridgerton, Bridgertons, Hastings, Lady Danbury" I said trying to include everyone before curtsying. 

"It is lovely to see you again" Violet gave me a big smile which I returned. "It is lovely to see you again as well Lady Bridgerton I-. 

 "How do you know our mother?" asked a man with huge sideburns.    "I-                                                  "She is my goddaughter, Simon's godsister" Lady Danbury interrupted. 

"Last I heard you were away," the man said. "Yes well I'm back now" I responded giving him a small smile. 

"I know I invited you for dinner but you left before we could schedule a day" Violet recounted

"Well I will be quite busy for a few days but I think I will be free for the day of Jupiter. I have to cheek to make sure I will write to you" rambled trying to end the conversation. 

"Yes we will have to cheek if we are free that day" the man stabbed, glaring at me before doing the same with his mother. I would assume he was the head of house. 

 His wife who was on his arm gave him a glare. "I'm sure we will be free that day, it would be lovely if you could make it, your husband too" the Viscountess insisted. 

I immediately took a step away from Amos, bewildered. Simon, Daphne, Agatha, violet and Amos himself let out some form of a chuckle. 

"He is not my husband" I expressed, deeply disturbed by the accusation. 

"I am sorry I just thought that...I'm sorry" the viscountess apologized looking embarrassed and confused. "It is quite alright," I said softly trying to soothe her.

"We must be heading off, we have to get ready for Lady Danbury's ball" the viscount stated.

 "Of course," I acknowledged. Lady Danbury pulled me into a hug "you should write to violet" she whispered knowing I was going to put that off. 

I nodded my head before pulling away. "Bridgertons, Lady Danbury, Hastings" I curtseyed goodbye. "Lady Sophia" they all curtseyed or bowed before walking away. 

Simon and Daphne waited until everyone left before approaching. "Soph how are you doing with all of this" Simon asked with a worried look on his face. "It's a bit overwhelming but I think I'm off to a good start" I confessed 

"That great Sophia I'm sure you will do wonderfully, you look gorgeous by the way" Daphne chimed giving me her award winning smile.

 "Me? Daphne you look positively radiant" I laughed "you honor me" she said shaking her head while blushing.

 "We must get going, we promised the kids we'll be back before supper" Simon revealed 

"I promised father too" I confessed " do tell Augie and Bel that I miss them" I continued. 

"Of course if you do decide to come for dinner they will be there and then you could tell them yourself" Simon confirmed before kissing my head.

 "Amos, how have you been holding up?" Simon asked prolonging the goodbyes. 

"All is fine with me, except having to deal with her annoyingness" Amos jokes, pointing at me. 


"yes, all hear whining would give a deaf man a headache" Simon joined in. 

I pouted, whining "I-.

 Simon and Amos smiled. I cleared my throat "I do not whine" I insisted. They both did nothing but cackle. 

"Stop teasing her," Daphne urged. 

"You know she's sensitive," she added with a patronizing tone. Which mad them full on laugh. 

"Daphne" I exclaimed, shocked that she joined their side. "I'm sorry it was just too easy," she explained. Simon and Amos settled down, Amos checked his pocket watch. "We have to get going or we will be behind schedule" Amos informed.

 "Yes, I must get going too," Simon agreed. "Sophia you should really come to dinner, you too Amos" Daphne insisted. "I promise we will be there," Amos answered.

 "We will," I confirmed.

                                       I guess you found out. until next time gentle readers.

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