Concern *2

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"Mother, I shall not have my debut. I know you want to pick me as the diamond of the season. But I think it's better to make my own way this season. I think I should watch and... see who is competition"

"You ungrateful little brat I gave you everything, my womb, my heart, my soul-

"Amos this is not helping, it is making me even more nervous than I already am" I hissed. We are sitting in the carriage that's on its way to Buckingham palace.

"I am just trying to prepare you for all the possibilities," he teased. "Well you're preparing is making me want to turn this carriage around and go back to Kew" I grumbled leaning my head back against the window and closing my eyes.

"I think it is a great idea Sophia, it would give you proper grounding for the start of the season. Help you get an idea of how people act towards you without a crown" he said genuinely. I open my eyes and smile at him.

"You really think so?" I questioned. "Yes dearest any idea you have will be extraordinary" he said trying his best to sound like my mother.

"You can never be serious can you" I asked laughing "with you? Never" the carriage pulled to a stop. The footman placed down the stool and opened the door. Amos got out first before helping me out.

We walked side by side until we got to the drawing room. Amos placed his hand on my shoulder bringing us to a stop. "You got this" he encouraged before taking five paces back, we waited till the guards opened the doors. I walked directly to my mother before curtsying and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Darling what a wonderful surprise" she smiled. I prepared myself "mother, I-

"Princess Sophia it is a pleasure to see you once again" said a voice. I turned around to see lady Danbury and another woman standing they curtseyed. I gave them a small curtsy back before I was pulled in a hug. "Sophia I expect a letter written back even if I am talking about the weather".

"you lady Danbury writing something as boring as the weather? Are you healthy" I joked. She pulled out of the hug "I am getting old Sophie" she shared.

"what is going on with you, you are looking as young and beautiful as ever" I pondered. She smiles and shakes her head before pointing her cane towards the woman next to her. "This is Violet Bridgerton" I gave her another small curtsy.

"It is lovely to meet you, Princess Sophia. I have heard a lot about you, but it's nice to put a face to a name" She exclaimed. "Yes, I have heard a bit about you too, Lady Bridgerton, especially at dinner with the duke and duchess" I smiled. She smiled wide hearing me bring up her daughter.

"Sophie we were just talking to your mother we heard you're going to make your debut this season". lady Danbury informed me. All of the sudden it feels like I'm getting dunked under ice water again.

I forgot what I came here for.

"That's what I came here for" I realized. "You came here to talk about how excited you are to make your debut" mother asked innocently.

"Not exactly I- "what did you come here for than" she countered.

I paused before looking across the room at Amos standing next to Brimsley. He gave me a subtle nod of encouragement.

"Mother, I shall not have my debut. I know you want to pick me as the diamond of the season. But I think it's better to make my own way this season. I think-"

She cut me off yet again. "I think that is an extraordinary idea, lady whistledown has been talking about us in the paper, but you not being there she will think she's won".

I looked around at all the surprised faces. Amos really had no hope. "Are you saying that I do not have to be apart of the debut" "you and sir Amos shall go, you shall not wear your tiara" "thank you mama"

"is that all you wanted dearest" "yes- "you could have put that in a small letter" she stabbed looking disturbed with a hint of disappointment. "Well I shall consider that next time your majesty" I said , feeling a little hurt by her sharp tone.

"Sophia I shall see you at my masquerade ball" Lady Danbury commanded. "Of course" I nodded

"Your Majesty, Lady Danbury, Lady Bridgerton" I curtseyed. "You should have dinner with my family, we would love to have your presence" I smiled and nodded, not wanting to give a straight answer. "Sophia, always a pleasure" Lady Danbury bid me goodbye with a small hug.

"My darling, I shall see you in two days time" she gave me a forced smile.

"Of course mother" I curtsey for the last time today before walking out the room with Amos behind me.

After stepping out of the palace I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I looked to my left at Amos, I gave him a big smile.

"I did it Amos" he chuckled, nodding his head. "You did now let's go home and celebrate, I think you should make your cookies" he gave me a suggestive smile.

I rolled my eyes getting in the carriage. "You're always hungry" I shook my head.

He climbed in "your special cookies are delicious, it's like you sprinkled snuff in them" right before closing the door.

You can hear muffled voices having an argument and laughing all the way to Kew.

This is the second chapter. Sophia has curtsied five times in one meeting, I think it the nerves. 

                                      Goodbye gentle readers and see you next time.

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