Worry *3

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"Take a deep breath Princess" I took a deep breath whipping the sweat from my brow.


Victoria my hand maiden said. As Betty pulled the strings of my corset before tying them into an invincible bow. I tried to breathe out but struggled.

"Betty, did you have to pull it so tight, I feel like I'm going to die" I hissed. She did nothing but smirk. "Betty out now" Victoria commanded. She walked out with a skip in her step. "What is her problem?" I asked, shaking my head and sitting down at my vanity.

"She's just jealous of your relationship with Amos" she revealed, shaking her head and kissing her teeth. While she started to pin my curls up . "What my relationship is or what she thinks it is" I questioned.                                                                                                                                                                     
  "It is all the same to her, you are close with him she is not" Victoria stated.

I shook my head in disbelief "he is my very best friend, at this point he is more of a brother than any of my own, he is married and has a family"

"He is widowed and all of his kids have started their own families" she said

"Yes but he always says he doesn't want to marry or love again and he is perfectly content with his life" I added

"And don't I know it" Victoria muttered in disparity.

I gasped, turning my head towards her. "Are you in love with Charlie?" I asked happily yet surprised I hadn't seen them hold hands or anything.

"Love is such a strong word, a strong feeling. I think I fancy him" she said, turning my head forward looking at me through the mirror.

"You fancy him?" I asked confused by the wording. "I'm smitten with him"

"so you are falling in love"

"I...sure you can say that. I'm falling in love with him" she exposed and handed me my earrings, clipping my necklace on.

"Is he courting you yet?" I turned my head to look at her.

She sighed, turning my head again, securing my hair with a few more pins. Before grabbing my tiara.

"No he's not courting me and he's never going to"

"I could talk to him for you if you want" I tried to lighten her mood. "Please do not speak a word of what has been spoken here." She told me looking deadly serious, as she put the last pin. "You have my word, but Victoria y-"

"I swear I do not want you to talk to Amos" she groaned, throwing her head back. "I was going to tell you I am not supposed to wear a tiara" I smiled bashfully. Victoria sighed, scrunching her nose, looking down at my head with a small smile. She met my eyes through the mirror "this is going to take a while" she said pulling out a pin.

After what seemed like hours I was finally ready. I walked out of my room to see Amos standing there talking to my father.

I walked towards them. "Papa what are you doing here, you are supposed to be having break fast right now"

"Well I was on my way when I saw Amos" he exclaimed

"Okay papa let us get you back to the dining room, I have to leave soon" I told him ushering him towards the room.

"Leave" he questioned. "Yes father I'm going- "your leaving wearing that" he asked disturbed as we arrived at the dining room.

"no papa I have to finish getting ready, but I wanted to say goodbye before hand" I said quickly but smoothly making up a lie.

While he sat down in his chair. "Good, you almost gave me a heart attack," he laughed.

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Alright papa, I have to go get ready" I told him, turning and walking away.

"Amelia love, will you be back before supper, I would like to show you a new discovery I made" I paused in my step hesitating before turning around.

"Yes papa I will be home before supper, I got to go now I will see to you later" I rushed out not missing the looks of sympathy from everyone in the room.

"Are you alright?" Amos asked, putting his hand on my arm slowing my fast pace. 

I chuckled "this happens so much I do not know why it does not hurt me any less" I shook my head whipping a stray tear.
"It hurts because it matters" he put it simply facing forward, like he's imagining a pain of his own.

"Now let's get you to that debut" he gave me a smile. 

           I wonder who she'll run into next chapter. Until next time my gentle readers.

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