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an epilogue, written a year later, i know people wanted a part 2 to this fic but this is the best i can give for some solace to the ending. enjoy, and thank you for reading. The love this book has gotten makes my heart warm <3
— Elle 5/21/23


Y/n Ackerman... First Person POV

I'm starting to think she's his carbon copy. I swore she had my nose, my lips, but Levi took the win for the eyes. Crystal blue... much like her father. Thick black lashes and raven hair to match. I love the way her little face scrunches sometimes in the sunlight.

Levi takes a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the dirt from her giggling face as we sit beneath a tree. "Be careful next time, yeah?" he says, surrendering to a smile as soon as he sees her own. She nods, holding something behind her back.

"I picked these for mommy," she says, grinning from ear to ear. I can feel my heart melt in my chest as she clasps a medley of flowers.

"Oh sweetheart," I gush, "they're so beautiful, thank you. Come here." I pull her into a hug, her tiny frame pressed against me is enough to erase every shade of darkness from my mind. I can't think of anything but this moment. Levi gazes on us fondly and kisses the top of her head before he kisses mine. I never thought my heart could be filled with so much love... I never thought I deserved it. A man who would die for me, and a child made from our love.

This is paradise..

"Can I put some in your hair mommy?" she asks, pulling at my locks.

"Put some in daddy's too," I tease and Levi tosses me a wary glare, but the faint grin on his lips says otherwise.

"Really!" she beams.

"Your mother likes to joke.." he retorts which makes me giggle. His hygiene fixation—one thing that never changed, although he makes a few exceptions here and there.

I scoot away from the tree and turn my back so Isabelle can put a few flowers in my hair. She attempts to make a crown. I catch a glimpse of Levi's loving gaze and my heart throbs. Even after five years, he still gives me butterflies.

"Daddy's turn," I smile and Levi accepts defeat. He dips his head a little for her and she sets a colorful jumble of flowers on the top of his head. A daisy falls down his face and she replaces it with crumpled tulip petals.

"Alright, alright brat that's enough," he chuckles, pulling her close and attacking her cheek with kisses. Isabelle giggles—music to my ears. "That tickles!" she says in a fit of glee. He sits her on his lap and she leans into his chest on instinct. She likes to listen to his heart, Levi says she'll be a medic one day like me. He rubs her head, a scarred hand palming through her hair. I lean in and Levi puts an arm around me, holding us close as if we were all he ever needed.

This is where I want to be, forever.

"How come they always go away in the winter?" Isabelle asks, toying with a lilly in her fist.

"So they can grow back stronger when the spring returns," I say softly, tucking a lock behind her ear, "flowers need rest too..."

Levi pulls me tighter, I can feel his bicep on my shoulder. He looks at me through his lashes in a gaze that is worth a thousand words. I see our love in his eyes, our life, our story—a montage of our time. I tilt my chin up and give him a peck on the lips. We both glance down to our daughter dozing off.

"You've got the magic touch," I whisper.

"I think all that playing in the dirt knocked her out. She'll need a bath."

"She likes your heart Levi, it's like a lullaby," I lightly squeeze the fabric of his shirt, "it means you're alive..."

"She shouldn't have to worry about that..." he muttered.

"I know..." I reach up to caress his face. Levi heaves a sigh and thumbs away a few baby hairs from her face. The fighting ceased a a few years ago—but Marley has started attacking the border again. It's a vicious cycle.

"Do you remember what you said to me that night on the boat?" I say. Levi catches my gaze.

"Your reason for living... you had someone to protect," I look tenderly at Isabelle, "two someones now."

He gave us a light squeeze. "Two someone's who drive me crazy."

"Mm don't lie, you love it," I tease.

He looks at me before planting a kiss, "some days, I suppose." My chest feels warm at the sound of his voice so close to me. The deepness still rings in my stomach. Isabelle yawns, smacking her lips and faintly clutches a fistful of Levi's shirt—eyes shut. I realize I'm doing the same thing and Levi heightens his brows, we stare at each other. "Like mother like daughter," he mumbles.

I can't help but smile. "I wonder what she'll inherit from you."

"Hopefully not my mouth."

We chuckle together, Levi's been trying to censor his curses since Isabelle.

"Or the cleaning obsession. I don't think I can handle two of you," I joke.

"I wouldn't mind that."

"Of course you wouldn't."

A humored breath leaves his nose. I mindlessly trace tiny shapes over his chest. "She'll inherit your courage... Your heart." I tilt my head at him again, "it's what I fell for..."

A gentle blush cups his skin, barely noticeable. He clears his throat, as if to steer attention away from his rosy cheeks. "Don't get sentimental."

I smirk. "Aw, will you tear up?" Levi arched a dark brow.

"Should be a reflexive question."

"Okay, I don't cry every time we talk about it."

"Nine times out of ten."

"That's a stretch."

"Don't lie to me Y/n, you're horrible at it."

I giggle behind my hand. A warm gust of wind billows past us—the grass sways and the flowers fall from our hair.

"It just makes me emotional..." I whisper.

"I know... me too."

Meeting Levi was an apocalypse. So much happened in such a short period of time. My world, quite literally, burned to the ground... But it was reborn. He really did find me again in another life, like the flowers around us. When I stepped foot onto this island with him for the first time, hand in hand, I saw something new. It was the bridge into the spring of my life after a long winter.

Levi is my endless summer. My cure.

"Think it's time?" he asks, rubbing her head.

I nod. "Mhm, let's get this one to bed."

"Bath first," he corrects, and I laugh. "Yes, yes, bath first. How could I forget? My clean freak of a husband."

He chuckles and gathers Isabelle, holding my hand to help me stand. She begins to stir in his arms. "Daddy..? I wanna stay..." she murmurs.

"Belle, we gotta get home. Sun's going down," he replies calmly in her ear.

"Mommy?" she begs and I reach to the ground and grab her fallen lilly, placing it back in her hand.

"It's time to rest sweetheart. We can come back tomorrow."

"But daddy won't be here. Daddy always goes away," she whimpers. I can see Levi's heart break in his eyes. She grips his shirt, "don't go.."

Levi swallows, his face sinks and he holds her close to the crook of his neck, a hand on the back of her head. "Hey... want to know a secret?" he murmurs. Isabelle sniffles and nods.

"Even when I'm away... I'll still carry you. I told your mother a long time ago that I would carry her forever. You are a part of her, and a part of me. Isabelle, daddy's always gonna carry you. Even when you're big and strong—and you can walk on your own just fine. Always. Even in another life. Because you two are my cure."


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